The dwarf's kind words put Tala somewhat on ease. She was called may things before, but courageous, that was a first. Nonsense, she was shaking in her boots! Then she felt her hand being closed and looked up, meeting the eyes of the lizard man. Her father once told her that eyes were windows to one's soul. And she could see the Draconian was trying to do good. Nodding, she took a look at the other alchemist's ring. "Thank you, for showing this to me. Each and every one of these rings in hand crafted and thus unique. And also seals of the owners. If we ever escape this place, I will find out who he was, and make sure the world knows of what evil he did." she said, gave a greeting bow of a head and distanced herself a few steps, lost in her thoughts. Then she watched as the man whom she presumed to be a doctor tired to heal the pixie, with what appeared to be magic. Her eyes narrowed at the sight. Alchemists and wizards were rivals since the beginning of time. To her, the wizard's use of mystic sources for shaping the world was unclean. An alchemist instead used nature itself and whatever it provided. But Tala was torn from her thoughts by the man, asking for her name. [i]Rudely.[/i] "I didn't. And it's Tala." she said, unable to flush all of the venom out of her tone.