Celestia nodded to his explanation. ''Okay, good idea'' she said and looked around. ''Yet be careful'' she said and then ran off, she took her pocket and got her sword handle out of it. ''Pocket, invisible mode'' she whispered and then walked around, looking carefully around. ''oh please oh please, no lizards..'' she begged in whisper to herself. She kept walked and soon saw the other team that was in the same test as them. She hid herself and came closer slowly, carefully. She saw a few rocks and smiled, she could scare them a little... She took hold of a small stone and threw it away, it made a long echo and the team was scared. ''We should hide!'' the girl said. ''Are you crazy? And then what? Become famous as the scary-cats?'' the boy said. Celstia grinned. She took another stone and threw it, this time it hitted the girl softly in the neck. The girl screamed it out and started to run. The boy looked around, a little afraid now, but didn't follow his team mate. Celestia followed the girl and during her running around like a chicken without a head, Celestia got her knocked out just by holding the handle of her sword in the air. ''Sorry girl.. Only one team can win'' she said and then made her way back to the boy. She kinda had fun doing this, she just kept hoping she wouldn't bump into the lizard team