[centre][IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/wb6wk4.png[/IMG][/centre] The hallway light was bright, compared to the dark room she had been sleeping in. She couldn’t see anyone around, she pushed the door a little more open. This time, it was just enough to poke her head out slowly looking around. Her heart was starting to pick up. She didn’t like this at all. She was trying to remember, trying to figure out what was a dream and what was real. Where was Liz? Just from looking along the hallway, a set of stairs at one end and the hallway turning at the other end a window looming with evening light, she could tell this house was big. Carla couldn’t think of anyone either Liz or herself knew who had big houses like this. Sure she guessed maybe one of the chefs at work or her boss would have a nice house, but even this house seem a little out of price range for a small café. Then again, why the hell would she be in one of their houses. Carla bit her lip wondering what Liz did this time. Liz was a bit of a trouble maker, having most recently gambled away too much money that she now owed to the mob. That was a wonderful conversation. Liz had tried to sell her dog Jem for some cash. That make Carla worry even more about her lovely elderly dog. Pushing her thoughts to the side she took a slow step into the hallway, finally seeing the clothing she was in. She had already figured out they weren’t hers but now she was wondering how the fuck she got into them. She quickly pressed herself along the wall, thinking that would keep her hidden. She slowly slid along the wall, the smell of food making her tummy grumble. She froze and put her hand on her tummy as if trying to shut it up. It only growled louder. Looking back and forth down the hallway with panic in her mind she relaxed after a moment seeing no one was there. If anyone was here, they were going to be downstairs. That made her think. What if these people weren’t friendly? What if they were going to hurt her? She should get something to use as a weapon. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? So she quickly tip toed back to the room and flicked on the light. The light made her flinch thinking someone would know she was up. She found a few awkward items she could use, but nothing like a bat. She then noticed that there was a bathroom attacked to the room. If the towel rack was anything like her’s at home she could get it apart. Quickly she hurried and fiddled with the rack for a moment before getting it apart. She smiled to herself. Quickly and quietly as possible she made her way back down the hallway. She felt very ninja like, but at the same time she could feel the possible panic attack lingering in the air. It was like a ghost hovering over her body, ready to put it hands around her neck and slowly chock her to death. She swallowed at the top of the stairs looking down, just to see a guy walk by with something in his hands. Carla quickly pulled back holding her breath. Now she was really freaking out. He was scary looking. Her eyes were starting to water a little. Breath, breath Carla. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Just be quiet. She said inside her head trying to keep herself from hyperventilating. Not that, that ever worked. Usually talking it out worked better. Peeking back out the coast was clear. She started down the first few steps without a sound, the next one groaned under her weight. She froze. Her chest started to rise and fall a little quickly, the rack held in the air like a bat just encase. With nothing else happening she took a few mother steps before repeating the steps she had before. She was about four steps from the bottom when she saw a flash of a woman coming around the corner, Carla screamed and swung, her eyes closed tightly.