The sun crept through the sky as lazily as Spirit's walking was towards where his mistress led. "C'mon, it's not very far" she clicked encouragingly and stroked his neck a little, though he was stubborn if anything and refused to move any faster, which drew a sigh from the girl's lips, coral and speaking of life in the warm morning air. She loved the sun, and its warmth, and being outside in general and it was her favourite part about being born and raised in a trading town. She'd often accompany family on trips to the store, but that would be about it, before she was locked up again and immersed in her studies. She studied pretty hard, as was expected of most, if not all elves. And she was no different. No, Freija was definitely no exception. Though in one thing, she did differ from her family,and most of her siblings, and that was her lust for adventure. The only other person she'd thought who even came close to mirroring her in that fact was her older brother, Daeron, one of two. When they were little, they'd often joke and laugh about running away into the woods with Spirit to start their own adventure. And she thought of him as she made her way, past cobblestone and dirt and sand and whatever else led her to the guild, and it made her glow with the warmth, now inside as well as out. Her brother's image and voice played in her mind, and how he used to taunt and tease her about being too soft for adventure, and how his hair and eyes, matching hers down to the very last strand though his was definitely shorter, messy and ending a little above his shoulders, would light up in laughter when he played with her. Her brother would almost be her most favourite person in the whole world, if she were to have one. He was everything she wanted to be, within adventure as well as without. Whilst she was lost in daydreaming how it'd be like if he could come with her, were he not doing as their parents' bidding and being the middle son of the children, learning the ways of the trade and getting prepared to be married off at his 19 years of human age as well as her oldest brother and his 22, she hadn't noticed just how close the guild was, and was surprised when the gate manifested itself off in the distance. She grabbed the horse's reigns a little tighter and nervousness was evident for about a split-second in her voice, though quickly dispelled, "There it is, Spirit! I...we have to get there. I hope we're not late, I really don't." They'd been going a little bit, for her parents lived on the other side of town, further away from the guild, and had to make their way through crowded streets, as busy as always in the morning, and that's what took her as long. It was chaotic to a degree, walking through with a horse. You'd think they'd organised some sort of system for those on horseback but alas, though even their guard was equipped with the finest weapons from the finest smithy and the finest eyes that side of the region, they still couldn't see a way to make it easier and less traumatic for the animals and people alike. [i]It would save a surprising amount of trouble. Heh, would give them less jobs to do and an easier time being rendered redundant, though, too.[/i] Regardless, she pressed on, picking up a bit of speed on a light trot on her horse as they walked past trees hanging down as if to meet them on the path they trod on, with her hands gripping the reigns ever firmer, and firmer still. She tossed her head back and freed the hood of the dark green cloak she'd been wearing from her head and to pool at the nape of her neck, letting her light hair catch the light and finally be able to sway in the breeze like she liked best, though tied back in a high ponytail as it usually ended up being. She adjusted her bangs with a quick swipe through, and urged Spirit faster, and since it took a little bit to get him out of his morning daze every morning, she had to even give him more than the usual number of gentle kicking to get him to move. Drafting horses were built to carry weight, and he had no problem with that, but they weren't built for speed in particular, or to be particularly responsive early in the morning, Freija was coming to find out. Her heart leapt when the gate approached, its iron designs and the path beyond, and she arched her back and stuck her chest out proud as they walked past, like the noble she'd wished to be for quite a while. It was often her daydreaming she was the commander of some ranks, on her high horse, riding past for all to admire. Though it didn't take long before she was stopped dead in her tracks and had to pull back the reigns. A figure lay at the entrance of the guild, collapsed on the floor and not moving very much either, and it worried her seeing someone look so...collapsed. It didn't even look like a person with all the clothing it wore, and she had no idea what race or even if it was still moving, but a big lump covered in a dark trench-coat was not in the ordinary, and her curiosity got the better of her, and she did decide to check it out. Spirit wasn't un-used to his mistress just randomly choosing to dismount wherever and whenever, because even when she was learning to ride she did several times for no apparent reason and though it bothered him, he'd gotten used to it, so he held still as always and received a loving cuddle from her as she approached the body on foot, reigns in hand though and guiding the stallion closer. He was at least 17 hands high, as most Clydesdale tend to be, and equally as heavy, but she had little worry about where his feathered hooves landed. He was careful, and there was a certain bond between them. He knew when to stop, or go, just by how her body tensed. They'd been together for the better part of his life, after all. Freija stopped just before the figure on the ground, kneeling over and nudging it with her hand, and then pushing it slightly, with a voice soft and worried to a degree, though a definite childlike curiosity came through as well. "Hey....hey, are you...alive? Are you...okay?"