[hider=Spider Clone Guy who is not actually a spider] [b]Name:[/b] Tim Parker [b]Alias:[/b] Project S Scorpion [b]Role:[/b] Titan [b]Brief Bio:[/b] In the hopes of receiving an army of super soldiers, Norman Osborn funded the Cadmus Project. Cadmus set their eyes on Spider-man, believing him to be just what they needed. The hero’s DNA was soon acquired and within months they had their first subject; Project S. The clone grew quickly over the next few years and after three years he resembled a sixteen year old. Over this time, Project S was telepathically fed information, giving him an encyclopaedic knowledge of both geography and world history as well teaching him a range of languages and battle strategies. Cadmus regularly informed Osborn of their work, who deemed the project as a success. Dr Anthony Ivo, an old friend of Osborn temporarily joined the project as Norman’s request. He believed that he could make the clone stronger and more powerful, and set to work at once. He grafted a cybernetically-controlled, seven-foot mechanical tail onto Project S’s spine, as well as building him an overall exo-skeleton suit. The project was going as planned. That was, until the Cadmus Laboratories were infiltrated by Spider-Man, alongside the Avengers. The group had been planning on capturing Dr Ivo, in the hope that he could lead them to the location of one of his creations; Amazo. During their raid, the group came across Project S. After realizing that Project S is a clone of him, Spider-Man breaks him out, taking him to SHIELD for questioning. After learning that his clone knows nothing about why he was created, Peter takes pity on him and persuades SHIELD to give him the identity of Tim Parker. Over the next few months, Tim was trained inside a SHIELD facility where he learnt to defend himself, as well as use his powers. He had little to none human interactions apart from his regular visits from Peter and Tony Stark. The latter wanted to help Tim and with his permission modified his tail so that the majority of it could be removed. Unfortunately due to how Ivo had grafted it to his spine, he couldn’t remove the whole thing without paralyzing Tim for the rest of his life. His time at SHIELD got considerably worse after this as the number of visits from both Peter and Tony decreased major and his train got increasingly harder. Tim longed to leave the SHIELD facility and help people like Spider-Man. His dream came true on the 1st of January, 2015 when everyone but him in the facility disappeared. Making the most out of this opportunity he broke out of the facility before encountering a group of other teenagers known as the Teen Titans. He joined their ranks instantly becoming the Scorpion. [b]Abilities:[/b] Wall Climbing: Tim is capable of crawling on walls and ceilings. Super Strength: Originally, he was able to lift up to 15 tons, however after being further experimented on and being surgically enhanced, he can now bench 25 tons. Super Durability: Tim’s bodily tissue is a great deal more durable and resistant to some types of injury than a normal human; however he can still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. Superhuman reflexes and agility: Tim’s agility and reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary human. Spider Sense: A tingling feeling at the base of his skull, Tim’s spider sense (or as he likes to call it “Scorpion Sense” alerts him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. The speed of his reflexes combined with his spider-sense allows him to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire at point blank. Scorpion Tail: A cybernetically-controlled, seven-foot mechanical tail has been genetically grafted onto Tim’s spine. The tail has been equipped with a spike at its tip, which can squirt an acidic spray. Tony Stark later modified the tail so that Tim would be able to remove the majority of it. Cadmus Programming: While being force grown, Cadmus telepathically fed him information in lieu of a traditional education: • Multilingualism: Tim can understand and speak many languages outside of English. He is at least fluent in Spanish,[24] Atlantean,[34] French, Korean, Arabic and Russian, among other languages.[67] • Encyclopaedic knowledge: Tim has an encyclopedic knowledge of World History. [b]Personality:[/b] Tim suffers from severe mental confusion and violent outbursts which are caused from a mix of him discovering that he is someone’s clone as well as the cloning procedure going wrong. Due to the fact he never really had the opportunity to interact with anyone before, he is somewhat anti-social and has a hard time getting along with others or showing his emotions. As such he constantly behaves in a confrontational manner to all people, even those who are attempting to be kind towards him. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://ilarge.listal.com/image/1156443/936full-anton-yelchin.jpg] [img=http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff516/Henchman4Hire/Scorpion01.jpg] [b]Affliation:[/b] Norman Osborn – CEO of Oscorp, he also funded Project Cadmus, Tim’s creators. Dr Anthony Ivo – A scientist who worked briefly for Project Cadmus. He was the one who grafted the mechanical scorpion tail onto Tim’s spine. Peter Parker – Tim was cloned from Peter Parker's (Spider-Man) DNA, gaining most of his powers from him. He considers him his father. Tony Stark – Tony Stark (Iron Man of the Avengers) helped out Tim by modifying his tail so that part of it could be removed. Unfortuantly due to the way it was grafted to his spine, he wasn’t able to remove it completely. [b]Other:[/b] (Any extra tidbits you'd like to add.) [/hider]