Luna looked up from her moon cakes as she tilted her head and squinted at the young man who had approached her. She took a good look at him and then at the rest of the cafeteria., sighing and thinking [b][I]too many new people..always asking questions about the things they don't know. A curious lot, indeed.[/I][/B] She cleared her throat and nodded, [B]"Yes, well, that was a power of mine, as you see, I'm a lunatic. Not as the word has come to mean, but literally, I'm from the moon. The floating was much like how the moon travels around the earth in an orbit. The rock you saw was a miniature form of the moon."[/B] She summoned a miniature version of it, and set it on the table where it floated. [B]"Simply, this is my steed of sorts, called the Sickle Moon...By the way, I should've introduced myself. I'm Luna Laciel. Class Secretary of Events. Like the party happening tonight.."[/B] She muttered cursed to Criston again as she mentioned the party.