Appearance: [Img][/img]] Name: Lily O'Shera Age: 22 Villain or Hero: currently, hero. Height:  5"9 Ethnicity: Australian Occupation: Nurse Superpowers: major: light manipulation she can manipulate light as a weapon, or just generally manipulating light to create objects that last for a while tables, chairs, weapons....the list goes on. She can form it basically. Minor: Using light she can have the power of flight by either creating wings out of light, or forming light around her to fly. Minor:She also has some healing ability, using light in a way to encourage healing. Weaknesses: lily cares too much about people. She isn't very strong physically, often having to use aids to assist her in moving heavy things, she can be overpowered by dark manipulators as well-if she is weaker than them in anycase Personality: lily is a dedicated person, she is kind hearted and soft spirited, yet she is determined and brave. She loves the outdoors, and loves to help people. She is a happy person, and tends to go above and beyond if someone asks her to do something, Background: lily was born to a single mother who worked hard, a nurse herself. Lily knew she would be a nurse as well When she developed her powers, she understandable freaked. Then she figured out what she could do with them, and slowly, very slowly