The late morning sun shone through the low hanging windows of the O'Lynch residence's washroom, but the main occupant of the household was too busy getting shooed along by his mother to pay any sort of attention to the environment. There he stood, clad in his usual "Muggle" attire of a t-shirt, cargo shorts, and open-toed sandals. One could almost confuse him for the world's shortest surfer at that point, and it drove his mother absolutely mad. All throughout breakfast and his shower, Logan could hear his mother frantically tossing clothes to and fro, what the woman called "Last minute packing" usually consisted of several hours of chaos, but the pint-sized Hufflepuff was used to it, seeing it almost like a yearly ceremony of sorts, it'd been done since his first year at Hogwarts, and hell would've frozen over if it didn't happen on his last year at Hogwarts, and now it was happening after he had graduated. "Mum, I swear I packed everything." The words probably sounded more like a gargled mess due to the toothbrush currently occupying Logan's mouth, but the huffs and puffs he heard from outside the bathroom door asserted that he had gotten his point across. Spitting the foamy mix of toothpaste and saliva into the sink and letting the faucet wash it down. "Now will you just let me get on with my life?" his tone was jovial enough, though his elder returned it with an expression of faux-glumness, the shorter of the duo retorted by sticking out his tongue, which never failed to get a laugh out of the homely Alice O'Lynch. "I just can't believe you've finally graduated and are heading out on this foolish trip around the world nonsense." his mother handed him the enchanted turtle shell of a backpack that would act as his main storage system along the trip. "And please tell me you're bringing that mutt of a cat with you. You've only been here a week and I've already had to vacuum the furniture twice just to get the fur off." as if on cue, Taggart plopped down from the fireplace mantle in the living room and rubbed his head against Logan's lower leg. "Mother, he is not a [i]cat[/i] he's a purebred [i]Kneazle[/i]." the part Leprechaun whined in exasperation as he picked up the animal in question and unceremoniously put his chin on top of his companion's head to give his mother a look of extraordinarily campy sadness. A pair of rolled eyes later, and Logan dropped Taggart to the ground, retrieving the small bowl of floo powder from the rather rustic fireplace while Taggart crawled into his pet carrier without being told to do so. "Do have fun in Paris, and I better not get any phone-calls from a jailhouse in god knows what countries you'll be visiting about you doing something inanely stupid." His mother gave him a raised eyebrow and a stern look. "Promise me." "I promise to not get into too much trouble." Logan threw the backpack around his left shoulder, kissed his mom on the cheek, and threw the floo powder into the fireplace, and the ashes expanded into emerald green flames. picking up and closing the pet carrier, Logan gave his mother one last wave before taking a step forward. "Clarbec de Traverse." he ducked into the flames (something he rarely got the opportunity to do.) hoping he pronounced the name correctly. He emerged in what seemed to be a small candy and joke shop. A shopkeeper looked to the fireplace. "Hello, hello! Welcome to Oglethorpe’s!" the overbearing French accent certainly was reassuring. "Just trying to get to the Tower, this is Paris right?" Logan asked while fetching a couple Cauldron Cakes, not wanting to seem rude by not patronizing the store he all but crashed into. "Indeed, is this your first time visiting France?" "Pretty much." Logan slid the shopkeeper a few sickles. "Enjoy the country." "I certainly will." the two exchanged smiles as Logan began to unwrap one of the wizard pastries and make his way outside. It couldn't be too hard to find the bloody Eiffel tower now could it?