[i][b]Five hours prior:[/b] Where were you?[/i] As Anora looked down upon the Galactic City which sprawled the entire surface of the planet below, she felt what every soul experiences upon their first site of this city. Though everyone shared this experience, not all experience the same thing. Three people, each could be from the same or separate walks of life, upon seeing and overcoming the first feeling of breathlessness at the sheer scale of this planet, will be left with three different impressions. The first could be a poor person, who tries to sneak his way into the city to find a better life for himself rather than keep up the daily struggle for life where ever he came from, who sees this planet as a place of opportunity. The second could a trader, who travels along the many hyperspace lanes searching for cheap goods that he can mark up elsewhere, sees this planet as a place of security. The strict measures that the Republic imposes on all in the system make sure that his goods will meet the market here, without any fear of pirate attacks. But the third person, the third reaction would be that of Anora. As her eyes scan out the front window Providence class Flagship, her eyes being greeted by a massive space battle already in progress all around between the CIS and GAR navies in the skies above the world, she sees this planet as a symbol of oppression. Her eyes focused on the orange planet while her mind focused on the situation down below. All over the planet both droids and mercenaries alike descended upon vast swards of the city. Intense battles were being waged between the the CIS and GAR forces, street to street the battle was waged. Every time the Droids would advance too fast and come under fire from clone troopers hiding in the massive skyscrapers themselves. Countless droids have been destroyed, many clones have fallen and even the civilian death toll is rising in the heat exchanges. Yet, at least to her and the Blackguard, the most important objective has not been touched. Nor has it seen any death since this invasion began a day prior. The Jedi temple still stood proud and her Jedi still clung to the walls and the streets surrounding it as if it were some bastion of hope. This was not by design, no one expected the Temple and Senate districts to have as much anti-air weapons as they did. Any troop transport trying to land and any star fighter trying to destroy them are met by a hail of fire, and quickly shot down. Though they had the numbers in space, if they did not secure this location, as well as the senate, the outcome might become to costly for their CIS allies to continue this assault. A soft laugh escaped her lips as the thought of these bankers and traders turned revolutionaries entered her mind. This battle would not be won by them, it would be won by the breaking of the defenders spirits. Anora heard her name called from behind, and turning to see Vansk and the Blackguard's leader San'sii nearing a holodeck she realized it was time for her to act her part in the plan. As she began to walk towards the lift that would take her to the hanger of the ship, she gave the pair a nod as she proceeded towards the door. As she neared she heard the holo projector come to life, and as she was passing through the door she heard a phrase which made her smile. “Good evening, Councilmen. Are you ready to hear our demands?” It took her a mere moment to reach the hanger where five Neimoidian shuttles awaited her. Her strike force consisted of her and six blackguards plus around thirty mercenaries and Dark Jedi who were to join them in their assault. The mercenaries were easy to get involved and the Dark Jedi even easier, the mercenaries were promised money and the Dark Jedi the Sith Holocrons. Almost too easy if you asked Anora for acquiring meat shields. The strike teams boarded the shuttles, and launched out of the hanger bay and into space where they meat their escort fights and bombers. As this large strike group made it's way planet side where the enemy fighters were chased off by their own, and the anti-air focused on the bombers and fighters to take notice of the six shuttles touching down within the Temple districts. [i][b]Present time[/b]: When our skies burned with fire?[/i] “These terms are outrageous!” Spoke a slightly excited Mace Windu to Obi-Wan, Yoda and the rest of the council listened on. “Give up the temple, place down our weapons and give up the Sith holocrons?” He was speaking in a hurried fashion, the surprise attack and the chaos that followed obviously caught both he and the rest of the council off guard. Obi-Wan was quick to add in, yet spoke in a more controlled tone “They must have known we would have shot down their demands so quickly.” He paused as he rubbed his chin with his right hand. “What would they have to gain by wasting an hour and a half of our time?” Silence fell upon the room as the councilmen thought of an explanation. Minutes passed before Yoda, who until now was meditating, opened his eyes and spoke “They created a diversion, our attention from a potential threat drew away.” A new silence fell upon the room, though disbelief hung in the air. Yoda continued with “I sense a strange power nearby, powerful it is. Yes, hmmm.” Mace Windu was quick to respond “Who is it, the Sith?” His tone was very direct, and Obi-Wan's response more so “Impossible, you slew Palpatine before he could take Anakin as his apprentice. With Anakin with us, the Sith are no more.” He spoke as his right hand motioned in the air. Yoda raised a hand and commanded silence over the gathering. He thought for a second before continuing “The sith it is not. Presence, it is which I have not felt.” He paused as he looked at Mace Windu, before speaking “In danger, I fear we are.” He paused as he raised himself out of his seat. He began to walk away as he spoke “To the outlying defenses send some Knights” The Council quickly departed from their holo-projectors and Windu and Obi-Wan were soon left alone inside the Council Chamber. Obi-Wan began to walk out of the room quickly, though upon reaching the door he turned his head and spoke “I will task some Knights to gather some Clones and head to the defenses, but we must be ready in case they fall.” Windu nodded in agreement and Obi-Wan quickly departed the scene. [i][b]Nearby:[/b] When our walls came crashing down?[/i] In a separate, yet close enough district, the 717th clone division being led by elements from the 120th as well as some commandos are racing towards the central airfield. Though , a large force of battledroids is attempting to intercept them ahead. The scouts for the clones report this to the ones leading the charge, and await further orders. They have many choices, they can lead the 717th towards the airfield where these Clones can take their Imperator-I class Star Destroyers up to the skies and turn the tide of the space battle, forge a path towards the Jedi temple where reports suggest a major attack is bound to happen, or find a way to deal with the CIS threat first. [i]Where were you?[/I]