As much as he was berating himself for getting cocky last night, hearing someone else say it hit hard. But really, she was right. If he hadn't tried to play hero, he wouldn't have risked getting killed. Still, what could he have done? It would have taken far too long for the cops to show up, and if he had to take a beating, or even get himself seriously hurt, to help somebody else he'd do it in a heartbeat. It was just the kind of person he was. Well, he probably should have tried to at least figure out what was up with those guys instead of assuming they were regular humans. Shrugging as both girls left, he chuckled at Jade's mention of hot pockets, and headed off to the dorms while mumbling to himself. "Hot pockets...damn, I think I'd rather have an MRE. These kids are tougher than they look sometimes..." Jacob left Scenario 6/End of Scenario 6