[quote=Zran] Colour me interested! Couple questions though you mentioned airships, are they basic steam-punk airships? What exactly would be the tech level? As in like gunpowder age or medieval swords and arrows. Can we make our own factions/spheres? I've an idea for a race of builders, They've completely mined out their Sphere and built inside it. They're also master Air-shipwrights. [/quote] They're not steampunk. They run on gaseous mana in the air, not on steam. However they can look like however they want, and most tend to adhere to some basic form of old sailing ships (they still use the air currents to push them along). No gunpowder. Medieval weaponry is still the norm, though things like cars (generally hover bikes, actually) exist, as well as lighting and machinery. You sure can, though you need to run it by me before getting it accepted. Again: [quote]Your background is so open-ended that I permit the creation of entire Spheres with their own histories (and really anything else). Anything you don’t describe, however, is surrendered to me; I may further the setting of whatever you create in any way I wish, though do expect me to consult you first. I’m not a douchebag. If it relates to something I have already made, I will let you know if it meshes. Go wild.[/quote]