Shade pulled his papers from out of his stomach and scanned across them, it said that he was in room 7 - D which sounded very much to him like it was going to be somewhere very very high up. "At least that might provide some fun" He muttered under his breath as he stuffed the paper back into the inky blackness that was his body and sauntered off, stretching his legs to cover the ground faster. It was his third year at the academy and this time he was finally able to take the advanced classes. During his first year he had failed his end of year exams by entirely failing to turn up, meaning he had to re do his entire first year to qualify for the advanced classes that actually might provide him something interesting to do. Although he'd never admit it he actually enjoyed a lot of the classes and managed to remember everything he heard from them no matter how little attention he had seemed to be paying. The second year had been a nightmare for him, and he had spent most of the actual class time floating around the building and scaring student by phasing through walls, but that has rapidly lost his appeal and he found himself counting the days to the end of the year exams. [i]'This year had better be a whole lot better'[/i] he thought crashing through another door [i]'wait....where the hell am I going?'[/i]