Well, my character is ready ^_^ Long Bio is long, but it would probably be beneficial to read it. I'm going to add some of that to the OP, to give a bit more detail. [hider=Lucas “Sissy” Spencer] [center][i]“Have you ever noticed how unsettled dust, drifting around in the light of the sun, looks like stars sparkling on a clear night sky?”[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lucas Spencer. [b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] His nickname, the name he introduces to friends, is “Sissy”. His alias is/will be “Firedancer”. [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-four years of age (24) [b]Sex:[/b] Male ♂ [b]Sexuality:[/b] Lucas is a homosexual. [center][i]“I don't get why people hate thunder so much; it's like the heartbeat of nature. It's such a beautiful sound, don't you think?”[/i][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/068/9/1/ginger_by_lorandesore-d5xj7ag.jpg] [indent][b]Height:[/b] 6'3” - 191cm [b]Weight:[/b] 183lbs – 83kg [b]Body Type:[/b] Lucas' body type is Ectomorph, tall and skinny, with very little muscle and a hard time gaining weight, no matter how much and how unhealthily he eats. His body shape is rectangle; with his shoulders, waist and hips in nearly a straight line. [b]Clothing Style:[/b] He usually wears simple and quite worn t-shirts. Sometimes he even wears a t-shirt over another t-shirt. He has a baby pink shirt with sparkly, glitter letters that spell out “Princess” that he wears quite a lot, though. For his legs, he wears long, denim pants that tends to be a size or two too big to get that baggy effect that kids love so much these days; he keeps these too-big pants up with a studded, leather belt. His pants tend to be more than well worn and too many of them have holes in places where holes should not be, like the butt. He wears sneakers all the time. He has sneakers in all the colors of the rainbow. [/indent] [center][i]“You know, change isn't always bad; when the sun goes down and it gets dark you can see the stars on the sky. Isn't it just gorgeous?”[/i][/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Lucas has a very laid back, calm kind of attitude. He is a incurable optimist and opportunist; his glass never empties, no matter how much he drinks. He is the type to sit around in gardens, playing his guitar and listening to the sound of the nature around him for inspiration or playing his tunes outside the mall, hoping that someone will hear, simply so he may have made someone's day just a little bit brighter. He might even break into song, if he feels like it, or start dancing even with no music on. He loves the smell right after the rain, the sounds of the birds chirping when the sun rises and music of any and all kinds. He hates it when people are dishonest or look down on other people; even more when the put others down, just to make themselves feel better. He does, however, have a slight problem when it comes to stressful situations, such as fear, rage or confusion, as his powers tend to react more strongly to his instincts than to his actual commands. This is one of the reasons that he attempts, and mostly succeeds, at keeping calm no matter what. [b]Biography:[/b] Lucas never really thinks about how he grew up or whether his childhood was good or bad. It was a childhood. He grew up. He made some right decisions and some wrong ones. When he was little, he liked climbing trees and many a time he got stuck up there, crying for his mother to come help him. At one time, he got stuck with his foot in a fork branch; hanging upside down. He cried for his mother to come help him, only for her to excuse herself as she laughed her ass off, getting the camera to take a picture. He liked swimming, too. At one time, he was at the beach. He was paddling around in the water in his little ducky-lifesaver, when a wave came. It tipped him upside-down once again. His mother laughed her ass off again. When he got a little older, he used to go play with the other kids. They would run around with sticks, pretending that they were swords. Many times, he got hit in the head, over his fingers and anywhere else that hurt. He came home with a bloody nose at least once a week, because a make-shift arrow had hit him in the face. They would go down to the lake to fish, using home-made fishing rods made from sticks with a string on it. They would never catch anything, but it was fun. On warm days, they would jump in the lake and splash around. When he turned ten, his mom got him a guitar for his birthday. It was the best gift he had ever gotten. He would sit around in the sun, just practicing his playing while his friends played around him, enjoying his music. When they played, he would always be a bard. Down by the lake, they would just sit back and enjoy the sun, the sound of the streaming water and Lucas' guitar and just enjoy the feel of being near each other. Then, when Lucas turned thirteen, he got his very first real gift from a friend of his; a boy named Alex. It was a dark green beanie. “I got you this so you could hide that awful ginger fringe,” was the message along with the gift. This resulted in Lucas growing out his hair, so that awful ginger fringe was still visible, even when he wore the beanie. During his teens, he did many dumb things. He dyed his hair every color of the rainbow. He tried smoking and felt like he was almost dying. He even had a few encounters with alcohol, which he had to admit was not half bad. He tried smoking weed, which was not half bad, either. He kissed girls and touched girls. He kissed boys, too. He liked that better. He came out as a homosexual when he was seventeen. His best friend, Alex, got him a pink shirt with glitter letters that said “Princess” as a coming out gift, along with the nickname Sissy. Lucas never considered himself unnatural or different. Sure, he could do some things that most people could not, but his mother did not seem to think it was a big deal. His friends thought it was cool. Alex really liked it when he played with fire. As far as he knew, he had always been able to do it. His mother [i]did[/i] yell at him for hours about how he needed to control himself or they would find out, when he accidentally burned his neighbors cat. It was bald for weeks. Lucas moved out of his mothers house and into an apartment in the city with his boyfriend, Alex, as soon as he turned eighteen. His mother had yelled at him for being stupid, kissed his cheek and told him to visit as often as humanly possible and, whatever he did, to keep his ability hidden. He agreed and left. The apartment was small, but cozy. The city was noisy. Work was hard to get and everywhere he went, he felt like people were giving him odd looks. Alex used to joke that it was the horrid ginger fringe. In fact, it was the heat that some people noticed, when they got close enough. Alex was used to it, having known Lucas for his entire life, but these people were not. Eventually, Lucas got a job as a clerk at toy store; the kids loved him, especially when he played and sang to them. Alex got a job in a bank. They were happy. After two whole years of this happiness, they had gotten so used to each other that Axel did not even wonder when Lucas came home with sweat dripping off him like he had gone swimming with his clothes on; he simply got a bag of ice and put it on his chest. He never wondered when he came home to find that they had to get a new dining table, because Lucas had burned the other one to ashes. He did not ask why Lucas called in sick, when he was clearly feeling physically fine. He just knew. Then [i][b]it[/b][/i] happened. The New God came and his cyborg soldiers, or whatever they were, were more than happy to pull the trigger and blow the brains out on anyone who opposed them. Lucas had never counted on Alex opposing anyone. Houses and stores were torn apart and burned. People were dragged out of their homes, tagged and tossed away again like old toys that had gotten boring to play with. Everything was turned upside-down, as if they were searching for something. It was three weeks before Lucas found out what had happened to Alex. Needless to say, he did not take it very well. He wanted to leave; go back to his mother, but they would not allow it. The city was shut down. The TV-stations were closed; the radio, too. Everything. Books and magazines were burned; they were taking away everything. [b]Skills:[/b] Lucas plays the guitar like a pro and can play almost any other instrument quite well, too. He is a pretty good singer and knows how to bust a move like a truly gay man in a sparkly, pink shirt. When he was trying to get his power under control during his teen years, when his hormones were raging, he taught himself Tai Chi as a sort of meditation as well as a sort of training of control, releasing fire in tact with the movements. He also taught himself the quicker, harsher and more violent side of Tai Chi, in case he ever needed to defend himself. He uses his fire with this, too; it just does more damage that way. [b]Powers:[/b] Pyrokinesis Lucas can create, shape and manipulate fire; the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products; flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. Lucas is immune to fire, but not smoke; he can still get smoke poisoning. Lucas gives off a sort of heat that is beyond that of human nature, like a very bad fever, at all times. When he gets emotional, his fever gets worse; sometimes so hot that human skin cannot handle it. He does not burn himself, though; he just sweats. When he gets hot enough, his hair will sort of hover, pushed upwards by the heat rising from his skin. [center][i]“My mom used to say that the people who fear the dark, fear the unknown. What they really fear is the sides of themselves that may not be what they want them to.” [/i][/center] [/hider]