[quote=NewSun] I think she seems pretty evil, even if she doesn't think she is. Randomly horrifically mutating mortals seems good to me ;) [/quote] Well the mutations aren't [i]all[/i] horrific; most cultists just have stuff like an extra eye or an extra mouth somewhere on their body (and possibly some rearranged internal organs). After all, if they're all horrifying monsters it gets a bit harder to spread her word doesn't it? XD But she does like bestowing her gifts to random people who may or may not want it (well, her worshipers are probably the only people who actually want it anyway). [quote=Xaxl] Yeah, horrific mutation and mind rape is pretty subjectively evil from the perspective of the mortals she's subjecting to it. Meanwhile Ielitha is pretty chill for the most part. Kind of an information broker I guess, bestowing secrets and odd artifacts or blessings to her followers. She's got the whole "punishment" aspect though. Plenty of little corners in her realm where bad things happen to people who often only arguably deserve them. :P [/quote] Exactly! She's evil but benevolent and kind. It's just that she doesn't view things the same as humans, and is physically incapable of doing so. She does sound pretty chill. The sort of Goddess who doesn't particularly care what's happening in the outside unless it interests her.