"Wh...what!" the blonde turned on her heel at the mention of a healer being called, even from inside the building now, and had to bow her apologies to the remaining of the officials before hesitating, and throwing them (well, the dwarven lady, anyway) one last glance, cursing herself under her breath and making her way into the building, following their trail down to the infirmary. It didn't take her too long to get there. Just follow a path, how hard could it have been? Though she never would have found it otherwise, if she was all by her lonesome. The man with the half-elf in his arms definitely had some knowledge of the place. Strange. She burst through and stood at the door, panting, with her bangs falling in her eyes which shone with adrenaline and excitement, as her chest rose and fall with the breaths she took. "I heard shouting for a healer, and wanted to ask which son of a gun thought he could talk to me the way he did." She shot a glance to the man standing by the elf, and growled, as much as possible, under her breath, before pinching the bridge of her nose and taking a deep breath before effortlessly gliding right past, nose stuck in the air and not even giving him a second thought, to the woman on the bed. She looked her over from head to toe and sighed at noticing all the little cuts and bruises, indeed wondering how someone could have gotten themselves into this case. She actually leaned forward to brush some stray strands of hair out of the patient's eyes to get a better look at her face, and clicked her tongue against the side of her cheek knowingly at the little trail of blood that ran down her cheek, even reaching with a thumb and gingerly wiping some off. "I see. I wonder how you got yourself into this mess, miss. But I'll fix you right up." And indeed she did. Forgetting the use of magic for now, the first thing she did was to grab the tweezers and dislodge any bits of debris that had found themselves in any of the half-elf's wounds, and then tend to the cuts still bleeding, and applying pressure in the areas where needed, whilst keeping a cloth she'd grabbed and cleaned with water then wrung out from somewhere ever present and dabbing at the blood as it poured out of the places where pressure was applied. Before cleaning anything with the alcohol present, one would have to make sure the cuts stopped bleeding. And that, unfortunately, took her a while to tend to them all. She liked working by herself, and even had waved the others aside, the elf and the human who both looked quite lost. "Where is this guild's damned healer? If not here, then they're doing a pretty bad job." she mumbled under her breath. Thankfully to her magic, she could finish up faster than normally applying pressure to all the wounds, and then proceeded to dab at with some more cloth and alcohol, breathing a tiny warning of "It'll sting." just prior and bracing herself for any outbursts the girl might have. "It'll sting, but you'll be fine. An infection however will most definitely kill you." The wounds later had to be closed up again, and here's where the elven woman stood away from the body and shut her eyes, hands in front of her and concentration apparent on her face as her thin brow furrowed and she even hummed something soft under her breath, and with the power of thought and the murmur of something, almost like a spell but not quite under her breath, her hands made weaving movements and the wounds, ever so slowly, began to come together again and shut and seal, like stitches would have done. This was one of the easiest things an injury would call for. Healing a broken or dislocated bone, now, that was one of the definite hardest. And perhaps most painful to both her and the patient. Though in due time, the elven woman was finished, and slumped into a nearby waiting chair with her head in her hands and a little groan, having pushed past the men in the room to get some air. She was prone to dizzy spells, and magic left her the tiniest bit woozy every time she'd applied it. It took training and clearing of her mind to get rid of the spell, which she did sit and do in said chair, even if for a couple of seconds. It was only then she noticed the ferret still around her neck, and decided to reach out and put him down so he could find his way to the stretcher and scurry right up a leg should he want to see his mistress, with nothing more than a little smile and tired eyes, quickly regaining their clear shine though. She said nothing to the men in the room, for she was in that state and had no need. They were busy checking on the half-elf's healing anyway. That was good. She should be taken care of. Surprisingly, the only cut she'd forgotten to tend to was the puncture in her bottom lip, out of sheer loss of focus and thinking she was finished way before, though if need be, she'd tend to it soon enough.