[hider=Appearance][img=http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x467/Blazia_Blaze/Anime%20Boy/Konachancom-71425brown_eyesbrown_hairhibari_kyouyakatekyou_hitman_rebornmaleshort_hair.jpg][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Matthew (Matt) Terrison [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species/Race:[/b] Phoenix [b]Powers:[/b] The ability to turn into a [url=http://smokeslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Fire-Phoenix.jpg]bird of fire[/url], the true form of the Phoenix. Also, as a side note, he can make fire, control fire, and burn things with fire. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] When in human form, he has the same weaknesses as a human. He is more immune then a human, however. Especially to fire. [b]Personality:[/b] TBR [b]Background:[/b] Matt was found by an elderly couple when he had first incarnated. He went through a lot of his life thinking he was an average human, like most supernatural's do, but when he did find out, he was frantic. His "parents" told him that they found him, and that if he wanted to learn what he was, and how to control his powers, he could go to a school known as Kamasyia Academy. He thought it over, and choose to go. After a few years, he was old enough, and traveled to the magical school in the sky. He made lots of friends there, and learned, to his complete surprise, that he was the one and only Phoenix. With the help of his friend, Lily, Matt found quite a bit out about the Phoenix, and found the name and address of someone who could help him. Or so he thought. At the time of the famous demon attack that ended the school, Matt left to see the man, whose name was Taylor, hoping to find out how to help. The plane crashed, and Matt, with the pilot, had to walk to civilization. eventually they did get there, and they split ways. When Matt arrived at Taylor's house, Taylor told him to rest, for Matt had been on a long travel. That night, Taylor inserted a mechanism into Matt's brain that let him control Matt. It hadn't worked as Taylor had hoped, and broke before Taylor could use Matt for anything. Matt woke up in a town quite far away, though, and had no memories of how he got there... Some time and a ton of side plots later, he heard about another school known as Athalia Academy. In hopes of getting his life back on track, he left for this academy. [b]Study:[/b] Main: - English - Math - History Electives: - Art - P.E. - Theatre Theme Song: [youtube]evDbAajnosg[/youtube]