Allan had his fist clenched up tightly on the side as he was just about to pummel Dani's head in. He started to walk closer to Dani with half of his face shadowed except for his terrifying blue eyes and a devilish smirk on his face. "You are going to regret doing what you did..." He said to him as he brought it up his arm to strike, but suddenly a dazzling woman confronted the two which bought Dani some time to slip away from the raging dragon. Carmen managed to cool down Allan's temper with her intimidating angelic voice, the smoke emitting from his body halted and the heat inside his body decreased little by little. Allan's attention was locked onto Carmen now with an annoyed look on his face noticing the large trumpet she was carrying on her "This has nothing to do with you trumpet girl. This is between me and that thing..." He said in a threatening manner not in the mood to deal with someone else getting in the way. Allan would try to reach over towards Dani to reel him back over by the collar of his shirt just in case he attempted to get away. He was unaware that Dani could phase his entire body so nobody could even touch him, but the fear of what Allan will do to him kept him from doing so. He kept his head up for anything they might try against him so he could counter act when he needs to.