Jason was in the Jedi temple when words of an attack began to spread, the padawan dropped the holotablet he had been studying and turned towards the doors to the library. His electric blue eyes studied how the other Jedi prepared for the attack threat. Trying to grab their weapons for the defense of the temple. The boy shook his head, if the planet fell then it was only a matter of time before this massive temple would fall with it. They had it wrong. [i]The Central Airfield, that should have some ships with the capability to lay down the pain on the seps.[/i] His inner voice whispered to him. Then Jason felt his feet begin ti move as he sprinted up to his temporary quaters to grab his rifle, explosives, comlink, and the eye piece that was linked to the network that the GAR used for FOF tags. As well as other important info. The boy looked over himself, his black boots, combat pants (can handle the stress of combat), tight black shirt (perfect for hiding in the shadows), and his belt to hold the saber and thermal dets. He was ready. Jason plunged through the temple in search of the pad where they kept vehicles. [center][b]30 Minutes Later[/b][/center] Jason jumped off of the hover bike he had been previously riding, as it flew full speed down towards a column of drones that were marching towards the clone formation. Jason was still in the air when it slammed into the enemy and began rolling as it smashed the droid in its path. Jason used a force push towards the ground to stop his fall from hurting him. Landing among the GAR forces, he watched as the bike came to halt in front of a pair of droidekas. The droids both turned to see what the object that had just arrived was, their sensors detecting the rapid motion as a potenial threat. At this point Jason pressed his detonator and the two thermal dets he had stuck on bike blew, sending more droids sky high. Certainly a good sight. He clicked his tounge in order to activate the comms. "This is Padawan Jason Veritars. Tell me where I'm needed, command goes tothe current highest ranking commander other than myself." He says into the commlink. (Since padawans still were technically only outranked by jedi more senior then themselves, but Jason delegated command)