Confused by the victimized individual's apologetic reaction when she hadn't accused him of anything, Carmen hesitated to think of a response. No matter, because the apparent aggressor responded. "This has nothing to do with you trumpet girl. This is between me and that thing..." Carmen was quick to respond, flashing her eyes towards him. "On the contrary, it has everything to do with me. And that 'thing' is a person. I'm curious as to both why he isn't standing up for himself, what with everyone here having abilities, and why you are taking an offensive against him. Hardly a good way to start the school year, hmm?" She had noticed that he had cooled down when she started talking, so hopefully this would continue the process. Speaking in a calmer tone and with a calmer facial expression, she continued. "Here, let's go like this. What are you? You seem to have an association with heat and fire...dragon blood, perhaps?" Carmen knew very little supernatural species but she at least knew that. "It would explain the hot temper." She very faintly smiled at her successful pun. She turned to the cowering one. "And you. You look human, but somehow...aren't. Your emanating harmonic frequencies are different than a live human's. So...what do you two have against each other?"