Shade finally managed to get to his room on the top floor, despite a few amusing interruptions on the way. Being a third year student had it's perks and Shade had managed to swing himself one of the singular rooms on the seventh floor of the boys dorms. If he was honest with himself it was mostly because his last two roommates had refused to stay with him for longer than a single term anyway as they couldn't deal with having a roommate who literally never slept. Shade pulled a huge duffel bag out of his stomach and swung it onto his bed, the contents spilled everywhere. Contained within where all of the books he had managed to collect in his lifetime, a great many of which would be useful for some of the advanced classes he was taking. He pulled his paper out again and found the sheet with his time table on it. He also managed to dig a thumb tack out of himself and pinned it to the corkboard above the head of his bed. He surveyed the room with great pride, although there was little decoration to it. The floor was a standard green carpet the walls were a faded off-white color and the small en-suite bathroom was a ghastly shade of puke green, but he was confident with a few alterations he could make the place his own. and with that he promptly started turning his nigh useless bed into a fort.