Tony nodded slightly. "I will leave you then," he murmured. He quickly left and headed back to his lab. Back to the blueprints. He would definitely have to inject something into himself to get it to work... He wasn't sure what at the moment. Maybe he should change to one that could stay in space for a while. That would be good. Then if he had to stop any alien invasions he would be able to definitely survive in space. Because the last time he had nearly died. He had felt his life slipping through his fingers as JARVIS shut down after going through the wyrmhole. It was quite a miracle that he was still alive, actually. It didn't take long for Tony to scratch down some designs, roughs really. This one wouldn't be too hard to make. He was in the middle of his second draft of designs when he began to nod off, slumping against his table. First there was all of the creatures, aliens, chitauri, whatever. They were everywhere and wreaking havoc. Tony blasted them left right and centre, flying around in an attempt to get them away from civilians. There had been those massive creatures, terrible things that smashed into buildings. It had been hulk that save him. Loki was beaten to a pulp and Natasha knew how to close it, so to stop the bloodshed and the chitauri coming through. Then Fury gave Tony the news. The nuke was closing in on New York. Tony knew what he had to do. Didn't take long to relay it to his team mates. He managed to catch up with it, get underneath it and grab it. Just a little push and the both of them where flying up and up and up. Then he wasn't on earth again. He didn't know where he was. The nuke slipped out of his grasp, moving towards the largest ship. JARVIS shut down, unable to cope in these conditions, and Tony felt the air leaving his lungs. He saw the explosion just as his eyes closed and he plummeted back to earth. Tony woke with a gasp, breathing ragged and eyes wide. He was tense, unable to relax. Fear shot through him, along with guilt. How many had he killed that day when he had taken out the mothership? Too many, he thought. Sure they were attacking earth and it was a war. But it didn't stop Tony from feeling guilt, scared and horrified with himself. He wasn't sure he would ever got past what had happened. He had died. That much was obvious. With a groan Tony rubbed his forehead. "JARVIS, what is Loki's status?" "He just vomited, sir." Lovely. Just what he needed to know. But that did mean he was awake then. Time to go see if he needed anything again. Tony first made himself a bit presentable. Didn't want to appear like a man who hadn't slept in days due to PTSD caused by events the man he was just going to see had pretty much caused. Eyes slightly less bloodshot, tension out of the body, normal smirk or grin on his lips. Tony headed into the kitchen to grab another glass of water before heading to Loki's room. "JARVIS told me you were awake. Do you need anything now? Anything to alleviate pain, make the time go by. I brought more water." He sounded a bit like a bumbling idiot as he handed over the water. He wasn't doing too badly. He didn't normally talk to people soon after his nightmares.