The attack on the homeworld of the Republic was a day that Morrin was dreading, he would have no choice but to use his incredibly powerful force abilities to protect his fellow Jedi. the separatist army was causing incredible amounts of destruction to the city planet and hundreds of innocent civilians were dying in the conflict. the attack on Coruscant reminded him of the time when the Sith Empire had invaded the planet over three thousand years ago. one good thing about the coming fight was that the CIS used droids instead of lifeforms which meant that he didn't have to feel remorse for destroying a soulless machine. he got had his lightsaber at the ready, and went to join the Jedi temple security to give them support. if the separatists attacked the temple then they would need all the strength the could get. his Jedi senses told him that the enemy forces were more than just droids and he felt power of the dark side. this filled him with unease, and with Palpatine dead, this meant that they had to have been Dark Jedi. it seemed like the dark side had chosen the CIS as its representative, and once again, it was up to the Jedi to stop it. he soon joined with the other Jedi and the temple security. they weren't of a large force, but they had the force on their side and the light side of the force gave them strength. "What ever happens, we must not let them have the Sith Holocrons. they contain secrets of the dark side that have caused the deaths of countless people for thousands of years. the Dark Jedi seek to use the knowledge for great evil and will doom themselves like the fallen Jedi of the Third Great Schism" he told the group with a firm voice. he had been doing a lot of reading on the history of the Jedi Order and the tales of the Schism within it were talked about in great detail. Morrin inhaled and exhaled slowly, preparing himself for the coming battle. his fellow Jedi needed his strength and would try to give them all of it to save the Order and the Republic.