Oh god, I hope that people didn't read/ watch that scene and say "Oh, neat!" that would be fucking horrible. XD Then again, knowing the internet... But yeah, I totally get where you're coming from, and I'll freely admit that some of my memory is hazy because I've only read the books through once and that was last year, and given how Titan-sized each book is, there's lots that's slipped between the cracks. I think we're mostly in agreement about how things are, just saying it all a bit differently and maybe having slightly differing takes on one scene out of several really fucked up scenes in the series, so it's kind of a minor point. Lots of stuff's different between the source and adaptation. Another big one that I'm surprised more people didn't get worked up over was Khal Drogo's relationship with Dany when they were first married. Out of everything, I'm most annoyed about them changing Asha Greyjoy's name because they were worried that the show audience would be too retarded to tell the difference between when people were talking about Asha and Osha, considering that they never met in the series and are never talked about at the same time, ever. Then again, people bitch and complain about how hard it is being able to tell the difference between some of the characters, like Lord Commander Mormont, Davos Seaworth, Barristen Selmy, and Rodrick Cassel, or Stannis Baratheon and Roose Bolton. Some people need friggin' training wheels and colouring books. >_>