Volt - :lol The fuck? I wish I had known that gif existed when I made a moth sig. On the Jaime thing again. Derv already said it, but yeah, it wasn't the act itself, it was that it didn't make sense. I got why he pushed the kid off, and to a lesser degree why he killed his family to get out a cell. If the rape was supposed to be out of hate, the show didn't build that up at all. What they built up was that Cersei was rebuffing him, and he saw his son die. He seemed frustrated, maybe desperate, but he didn't seem to realize Cersei was a bad person. Beyond the sudden "hateful woman" comment slapped onto the rape scene (and a writer shouldn't make the build-up seconds before the pay-off). I haven't seen Jaime written as someone that experiences flash moments/fits of violence, either. Not toward other characters he despises, and not toward family. Which is what it reads like, as the show is. I get your points, Mosis, to explain it. I can see where the action'd make sense, from that perspective. Though violent rape still seems like a weird way for Jaime Lannister to go, if he had those problems. The thing is (what causes me not to agree with your sentiment fully), I don't think the show really set those points up (other than the general rejection at King's Landing). Which is the show's job. Viewers shouldn't have to explain/justify the cause and effect to other viewers. And yeah, I agree, it likely wouldn't be any better if it followed the books to the letter, due to the changed conditions before. I can't say that, at that point, there would have been a better way to do it.