[quote=HylianRose] Consider each Living space, a suite. In each suite, there are two bedrooms along with the kitchenette and other things. The bedrooms in the suite, have a shared bathroom. You walk into the dorm room. You see a kitchenette to your left. To your right, are two doors, each leading into a bedroom. You walk into the first bedroom and look to the right. There's a closet. You look to the left, there's another door. Upon entering, you find a bathroom. To the left is a mirror and sinks, to the right is a separate room with a door that holds the toilet and shower. If you keep walking, you'll run into a door which leads into the other bedroom and on the opposite side is a window with an overview on either the garden or the front gate depending on what side of the building you are on. Rooms alternate so 100 is on the side of the, and 110 respectively, garden and 101, is on the side of the front gate. So you can do the math there and figure out what side your room is facing.Does that clear it up? [/quote] I can totally minecraft this.