I've got no idea how you sleep, Vakte, let alone how you RP. I salute you for spitting on the rules of impossibility. Gowi - Awesome, good to see another post up. :] [quote=Dervish] Then again, people bitch and complain about how hard it is being able to tell the difference between some of the characters, like Lord Commander Mormont, Davos Seaworth, Barristen Selmy, and Rodrick Cassel, or Stannis Baratheon and Roose Bolton. Some people need friggin' training wheels and colouring books. >_> [/quote] Who's Seaworth? Why are they seaworthy? What's a Baratheon? Why are we talking about castles? Is Selmy a type of cat? Is it the cat we color in?: [img]http://www.makinglearningfun.com/images/photos/PeteButtons-ColorbyNumber.jpg[/img]