[center][b]Criston[/b]:Cafeteria[/center] He watched as a few more people sat down with them. How they'd gotten over there without him seeing them baffled him but here they were, sitting in front of him. A red headed boy, a bit taller that Criston and a brown haired girl with ruddy red hair. He choked a laugh at the guys glance at them. [i]Not our fault we're attractive.[/i] He chuckled a bit and then turn to Cyrus after hearing him throw something away. He looked at the trash bin and then at Cyrus, a curious look on his face. [b]"Dude, that's like... across the room practically. How'd you do that? Whatever it is, it's rather impressive, my friend."[/b] Criston told Cyrus, flashing another toothy grin. He placed his elbows on the table, still eating his food. When Cyrus asked about the party, he grinned. [b]"As crazy as you want it to be, my friend. Just ah... alcohol, yeah? I may be 21 but my mom's the principal. I might get away with a lot of things but uh... giving alcohol to underaged students ain't one of 'em. And if anything's spiked, it's got nothing to do with me."[/b] He explained, holding his hands up as a figurative 'white flag.' He grinned again and ate a bit more of his food. [b]"It'll beth thun though."[/b] He mumbled, food still in his mouth. Before, continuing, he swallowed. [b]"Just trust that there will be lots of pretty ladies and a whole lot of music and games."[/b] He explained, holding up a thumbs up for Cyrus.