Name: Currently goes by Sarah Nashan Age: 150 Gender: Female Appearance: Will come later when I decide. Bio: Born 150 years ago Sarah, as she goes by now, has had little desire or need to coexist with humanity. She was born during a time when women were to be seen and not heard and whilst she no longer bares any special hatred towards men, her view on humanity is rather poor a view which was only validated by the World Wars. She has since spent most of her time living in various secluded areas. For the first time in many decades she has decided to give humanity another chance and is currently living and working in New York. Power 1:Gravity manipulation Power 2: Teleportation (Can teleport to any place she has visited at will, though it does require a great deal of concentration and is thus useless in any battle) Power 3: No other powers as of yet Strength:3 Speed:8 Personality: Sarah is generally quite cold to all those around her as she has lost most of her faith in humanity. There is more to her of course but she tends to not like showing that to the world. Ok this was incredibly half assed, so I am going to redo it with a lot more information when I get home tonight.