Rina stared thoughtfully at the old man for a second before replying simply with "Your smile is empty. But, I catch your meaning. I've never met a Legionnaire that I've liked...alive." She knelt over to Acosador and waved the crimson fabric to his nose, allowing him a second to catch the scent. Her partner sniffed the ground, eagerly searching for the start of a trail. This wasn't the first time they had tracked a man this way and Acosador was eager to please his Mistress. Once he showed signs of a viable trail, she nodded towards Jackson. "We'll report back when we find the Legionnaire. Give us thirty minutes. If we haven't returned- go on with out us." And, with those words, followed closely behind her partner. [indent]Dan continued towards the group with caution but, stopped short when he saw the older man whispering into Rina's ear. He watched briefly as her dog sniffed the area and heard her faintly shout [b]"We'll report back when we find the Legionnaire. Give us thirty minutes. If we haven't returned- go on with out us."[/b] before following the dog down an alleyway path. He redirected his course and followed swiftly behind her maintaining an adequate distance away to avoid spooking her or her dog.[/indent] Rina followed Acosador down the alley in a series of twists and turns to a more deserted section of the Hub. She followed her furry companion closely, noting that they had begun to enter the seedier parts of town, and thus, rested her hand a little more closely on her pistol. She didn't draw her gun quite yet though, and if she was required to use it, she could draw it in an instant. A low growl rumbled in Acosador's chest, followed closely by a soft whimper. He padded into an abandoned building and through a bunker door that had been left unlocked in haste. Relaxing the tension in her shoulders, Rina began to sweep around the room, searching for anything that may give her an inclination as to where the last member of their group may have gone off to. [indent]Dan hung back behind the corner of a building, watching as she disappeared into the remains of a tattered shell of a home. He crept slowly to the entrance, peering carefully around the frame of the unlocked bunker door inside. When he peeked around the corner, she had worked her way into the room, her dog sniffing around as well. There were a few gun cabinets from what he could see and possibly a bathroom in the far corner. Before Dan could venture in further, a low growling met his ears and he nearly held his breath as the woman's dog approached him with a menacing set of teeth revealed. Hearing the distinct sound of feet shuffling, he winced behind the frame of the door. "Show yourself, Legionnaire" the woman spoke sternly, the tone so different from the night before. "Call off your dog, Blunt. It's just me, Dan." he offered, cautiously stepping into the door frame with his hands in the air. "See? Half Dead Dan."[/indent] Rina stood with her pistol trained at the door frame, her gaze aiming down the sights of her trusty sidearm. Acosador was braced at the end of the galley style kitchen, ready to lunge in for an attack with a simple word from Rina. She kept the gun level at his head and spoke evenly, despite being slightly taken aback by his presence. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your head off." she said, flexing her finger on the trigger, emphasizing her words. "Looks like you're looking for something. That's kind what I'm good at." Dan stated taking small deliberate steps through the kitchen into the larger room. His eyes trailed across a wall that read "Long Live Caesar" in dark red to the curve of what could possibly be a hole in the wall hidden partially behind a gun cabinet as if to conceal it. "Try looking in there?" he asked, risking lowering his hands and jutting his chin out in its direction. [indent] He watched as she slowly peered over her shoulder and lowered her aim, trusting the dog to remain in front of him. Which, he was. In fact, the dog was so close, a bit of his drool landed on Dans shoe. She stood next to the gun cabinet nd bracing her shoulder against it, let it slide along the floor with a loud screech. Dan let out a pent up breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding as it revealed an adjacent room with what seemed to be transmitting equipment.[/indent] Rina looked up at Dan, flicking her gaze down to Acosador with an unreadable stare. "Stand down, boy." she told him, motioning with her head for Dan to come over. "Alright then scavenger. Show me what you got." She stepped inside the room, checking for tripwires and let the ghoul enter behind her. As she continued to scour the small room, Dan simply sat at the console and began to mindlessly tap away at the buttons. "What are you doing?" Rina hissed at the man, half the mind to backhand him from his chair. But, he was already propping a bent up coat hanger from who knows where and messing with the dials. Through the static, they could make out two distinct words. "Hail Caesar". Among that, the indistinct fuzz of a radio station dedicated to Caesar and his praise. Reaching across the station, Rina hit the power button and sincerely considered putting a bullet in the equipment. She only chose not to for the sake of saving it to put into the Legionnaires head. "We've got to go tell Jackson the Legionnaire isn't coming. And, I think I just found his replacement."