"When you need crazy...call a Barabel." A somewhat astonished voice said with a short chuckle. The voice belonged to a man named Siix and it was muffled beneath his scuffed and potted Phase II helm. "You heard him, Dragons," he raised his voice and turned around, "lets knock on the Separatist's backdoor!" "Aye!" Two more voices responded in unison. They were fleet footed and moved with purpose as they left the side of their commander. He stood silently in the center of the Revenant's command deck. His hand resting on the shoulder of the last conscious CIS officer on deck. As a myriad of turbolaser fire reflected off of the scales of his face and narrow slits of his eyes he pondered on what would come next. First, however, it is important to know how they came to this juncture to begin with. ------ Tsebar Sebantine and his small team of Clones, the Krayt Corps, had been on assignment in the Outer Rim territories for the past five years. They had largely been out of contact with the Jedi Council for the better portion of this time period. They received a transmission here and there, but nothing substancial. To say it succinctly - they were on their own. They suffered the loss of two of their squadmates while struggling to cut off the cancerous tendrils of the CIS that repeatedly tried to slither it's way through the mid-rim territories and further out. Their victories were few and far between, but that didn't stop them from building a reputation. The Separatists had began referring to them as 'The Dragons' due in part to Tsebar himself, but also because of the fiery chaos the troopers themselves would often leave in their wake. Siix was their leader. Designation CC-6766, Siix was an expert marksman and strategist. His surviving team was made up of Sly, CC-7105, an intelligence gatherer and tech artist and Rock, CC-3897. Rock was the artillery and explosives expert of the group. They operated like a well oiled machine and proved to be a prickly thorn in the CIS' side time and time again. This time would prove to be no exception. After months of no contact from the core worlds Tsebar and his squad finally intercepted a communication, and it was a doozy. Chancellor Palpatine had been killed. Moreover, he had been the puppetmaster behind the Trade Federation's separation all along. This news of course brought great joy to the ears and hearts of the squad. With the serpent's head severed, it meant they could finally go home. That was years ago. Up until a few days ago they had been trailing the Revenant, a Providence-Class Destroyer under the command of the CIS. Despite their leader's apparent demise, the Separatist movement still lived. Their motions were slower, more careful, but they lived. Following the CIS through the outer rim came with it's own set of problems. The Dragon's own vessel was having...technical difficulties. At that point the ship was more or less held together with tape and hope, and the engines just did not have the oomph to push her out of the planet's gravity well. This was just as well, as it seemed the Seperatists were suddenly in a hurry to leave. Tsebar and the troopers had noted a sudden flurry of activity over the past few days and knew something must be amiss. Tsebar and his crew were nothing if not opportunists. This was a win-win situation for them in the form of information on their enemy and a free ride. They snuck up the loading dock and into the cargo bay, careful to stay out of sight of the droids and grunts loading supplies. This wasn't necessarily an easy feet given Tsebar's size. Sneaking a Wookie around is tough enough, but even Chewbacca would have to tilt his head up to look Tsebar in the eye. Regardless, the crew accessed the ventilation system after Sly de-activated the alarm trip. They settled in and, once the ship jumped into hyperspace, they sliced into the ship's computer system to try and figure out the ship's destination. The best they could do was figure out that they were taking the Corellian Run. They hid for over a day in the airways of that ship. With each passing hour they slowly slinked their way closer and closer to the command deck. Their destination became clearer with each hour as well. They weren't stopping. They were traversing the whole Corellian Run which only led to one conclusion - Coruscant. With that in mind, they made their move. They took the command deck quickly and quietly as possible, weapons set to stun. Tsebar had the Captain in his grasp before the rest of his crewman dropped to the floor. Compelling him with the Force, the Captain responded to every radio corespondence he received without batting an eye. The ship had exitted hyper space and ships were streaming into sight all around the viewport, filling the black of space with the silver of durasteel. Now, with his eyes full of the orange glow of Coruscant before him, Tsebar made his move. "Sly...put us on a course between these two Recusants..." Tsebar said as he squinted in thought. "This one thinks they are going to regret this bold move..." "Sir?" Sly questioned, his voice tainted with a bit of uncertainty. "As we pass through, open the turboz on port and starboard." Tsebar continued without missing a beat. He then turned his head to the side so he could look at his men. "Then drive uz into that blastted messss of a capital ship in front of uz." There was a short pause. "When you need crazy...call a Barabel." A somewhat astonished voice said with a short chuckle. The voice belonged to a man named Siix and it was muffled beneath his scuffed and potted Phase II helm. "You heard him, Dragons," he raised his voice and turned around, "lets knock on the Separatist's backdoor!" "Aye!" Two more voices responded in unison. They were fleet footed and moved with purpose as they left the side of their commander. Tsebar stood silently in the center of the Revenant's command deck. His hand resting on the shoulder of the last conscious CIS officer on deck. Staring out the transparisteel view port, he contemplated the coming chaos... The Dragons were about to make their entrance.