[center][img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1576829-bigthumbnail.jpg][/center][center][b]Kimberly Hayden Derricks[/b][/center] [center][i]Eighteen | American | Human[/i][/center] [center][b]Information:[/b] * Kimberly, although she prefers to be called Kim or Hayden, has always believed that she's 'different' and has evidence to prove this theory as a fact. As a young child, Kimberly often claimed that she could sense spirits lingering in the world. A few encounters with wild animals as a naive girl could have ended her life tragically, but to everyone's amazement, the feral animals seemed to protect the innocent maiden and enjoyed her companionship. Kimberly's family, confused and frightened by their own daughter, isolated her from everyone else in the household and kept her hidden in a locked room. * Around age ten, Kimberly told her parents that everything she claimed to see was actually a series of lies and a cry for attention. Convinced by her words, the family decided to let Kimberly out and she hasn't believed her own eyes ever since. Kimberly began living as a normal girl, no longer admitting to anyone or even herself that she's gifted. Eventually, she lost the abilities that made her special. She is now incapable of sensing spirits, seeing strange supernatural occurrences and communicating with animals. Kimberly has basically brainwashed herself into normalcy and acceptable behavior to keep her parents happy. * Kimberly is very intelligent and finds herself intrigued by Mythologies, Folk Lore and Fairy Tales. She always has, since childhood and her 'encounters' began. Kimberly studies and does tremendous amounts of research on topics that interest her. These are usually stories concerning her favorite Mythological creature: Vampires. Kimberly is fascinated with death and doesn't fear the reality of her own mortality. * Kimberly is genuinely a very sweet, compassionate and gentle young lady. However, she is extremely defensive, guarded and isolates herself from society. She doesn't like being around large groups, which is why she prefers Independent Studies and enjoys the company of animals rather than other humans. Her best friend is actually a feline that she's named Midnight. [/center] [center][b]Midnight, her beloved companion[/b][/center][center][img=http://www.hdwallpaperscool.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/cute-hd-desktop-wallpaper-of-black-cat.jpg][/center]