[quote=Savi] [center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Anime/81615BC0-24CC-4B34-A311-8B6EF9BFFA80_zpsuyp0wh4n.jpg] ~Rapunzel~18~Female~Healer(?)~Tangled~Heroine~ ~Powers/Abilities~ Her healing hair glows when she sings a very special song. ~History~ Well, it all started when a woman filled with greed for youth took a baby from a king and queen for her healing hair. The woman, Mother Gothel, forced the girl, Rapunzel, to stay in a tower; never to be free. The King and Queen decided to make a tradition out of their missing girl's birthday by having lanterns light up the night sky every year on that day. Rapunzel saw it every year and had become obssessed with these beautiful lights. On her 18th birthday, she worked up the courage to escape when a handsome theif, Flynn Rider, entered her tower with a crown in his satchel. She blackmailed him into taking her out to see the lights and Flynn begrudgingly agreed. As soon as she stepped out of her tower, though; Gothel came back from her many adventures. She saw Rapunzel and the thief and immediately told Rapunzel to go back into the tower. Gothel, knowing Flynn [i]very[/i] personally, told him that Rapunzel was never to leave her tower and that she would turn him in if he didn't leave. Flynn, being the defiant rebel he was, decided to throw caution to the wind and took Rapunzel anyway. Rapunzel and Flynn got to know eachother as they walked through the wooded area as Gothel followed behind them angrily. Soon, the two fell in love. Then, Gothel got an idea. She seduced Flynn as he was half asleep and Rapunzel caught them. Rapunzel, instead of being angry with Flynn, shoved Gothel to the ground and they soon fought. Rapunzel then ran off and ran into the twins. The twins, instead of cutting off her hair, decided to sell her instead. Flynn, not able to find Rapunzel, killed Gothel in a fit of rage. He found Rapunzel before the twins could make their first "sale" on her. Flynn soon took her back from them and realized as they travelled to the castle that she could pass as the lost princess. They decided to sell her as the lost princess, not realizing she was ACTUALLY the lost princess. When they got to the king and queen, they realized it and lived happily ever after... or something like that. ~Personality~ Curious, Courageous, Defiant, Stubborn, Clever, Sassy, Clumsy, Naïve, Caring, Honest ~Family~ Mother Gothel (former/dead) King and Queen of Corona (actual/alive) ~Friends~ Basically Everyone [i]but[/i] Mother Gothel and the twins ~Crush/Relationships~ She has a major crush on Flynn but she has a few trust issues with him because of the whole "Gothel seduced you easily" thing that really wasn't his fault and... yeah. ~Other~ She has a chameleon named Pascal. [/center] [/quote] Done! ^^