So... about that going to bed... yeah no. Here I am. I will be leaving soonish though. Lol. Got that book read though! :D @Nero I don't know whether I love him or if he scares the shit out of me. I really don't know what he's going to do with Lily but you've got me frightened. xD It'll be interesting though. As far as powers go, some clarification could go a long way. Lemme just go over some powers. [quote]Demonic Purge: Bael conjures masses of demonic energy into his hands and releases it as powerful blast. When hit by this, the person's skin is burned, but not burned literally: Their soul is burned. The skin turns into a pitch-black color and the muscle in the particular area becomes unusable as if that part of the body has been taken away. This can be restored by any angelic magic, or any sort of healing which is beyond physical. [/quote] As NarayanK said ( I think.) Just be specific on his limitations on this power. I know in your weaknesses you said something about him being weak in his powers but still, tad bit OP on this one. [quote]Spectral Torture: Using his demonic magic, Bael creates chains which attempt to physically restrain any foe, the chains burn with demon fire, hurting both physically and spiritually, like his demonic purge spell. The longer someone is held by them, the more it will hurt: The pain becomes so much, that the person starts to allucinate due to the demon's influence, sometimes seeing things such as a friend dying, a family member killing another, that sort of... obscure thing. This takes a toll on Bael's energy, so he can't hold someone for too long. [/quote] I like it, but just be wary about people going with your power. If you do it to them, just be aware that they may or may not go with it. That's just how people can be. I hope all of you generally go with what's been handed to you. Just again, no killing without permission. It's up to the character being held as to what he/she 'sees' if they see anything. [quote]Shadowstep: The ability to step into the shadows. By this, it means that Bael can merge himself with shadows in order to completely conceal himself from sight. This can only be done in the shadows, natural or not. Though any source of light in said shadows will reveal him.[/quote] I'd really like to avoid powers like these if at all possible. But I'll allow it so long as he can't do it for extended periods of time and he can't travel great distances through the shadow. He can travel as far as he can run from one shadow to the next provided they are connected and again, need to set a limit on how long he can stay hidden. [quote]Shadowform: Bael changes from physical to spiritual form, becoming a mass of floating shadow. He's unable to cast spells in this form, but he's also invunerable to physical contact or attacks. This is his travelling method, as he can pass through objects, wall, persons and everything while in this form.[/quote] I don't have anything against this one, just add a timer and we're all good. Overall, I like him. Make those changes to his powers and he's all good! :) [quote=NarayanK] Ooh. Fantasy manga. o.o.........*opens a manga reading site* [/quote] Manga. <3 Can't tell you how much I love Manga. I use MangaFox for all my reading pleasures. Plus I have an app on my phone so I usually read from it at night or something. I don't usually use images of people from manga that I've read because I feel I'm too biased to based a character off of that image. If I use one I know nothing about, I can create an original character that is my own based on that image. If you ever want Manga recommendations. ;) -cough-