[quote=NarayanK] I have some questions to ask about your character. I'm no co-GM, but there were several things that caught my attention. First things first, Shadow Step. How long does this last? It sounds as if it lasts for a pretty long time ad can be used freely, seeing how he can technically hide behind anything that is a solid image. I don't know what the last phrase in particular means (pardon me, English is honestly not my first language ;_;). Shadowform: So you can pass by anything? How often can he do this? I don't think it'll provide any counterplay to those who actually want to hit him if he simply keeps that form on, and seeing how this is his travelling method (dunno if this is only for combat travel or not), it sounds as if he can remain invulnerable for a fairly long time without losing a massive amount of energy. Spectral Torture: This is a pretty cool ability. I dunno, I just wanted to point that out lol Demonic Purge: This particular ability is what I'm worried about the most. While it is a fairly simple ability with a consequence fully present, there's are no consequences for Bael utilizing this ability. Demon Form: That's a freaking awesome transformation. Again, I just wanted to point that out. I don't know if it's just me, but the ability kit he carries currently contradicts the fact that constant use of his abilities weakens him. Listing out the side-effects would certainly help balance out some things, because I'm sure you did not intentionally make him slightly overpowered. ^^ Basically, I think you should add in notes on what happens to Bael when he uses each ability. But maybe I'm just nitpicking way too much, I dunno. His personality seems fitting of his character, and his background is different from most of the C.Sheets and pretty awesome. :D btw, I love dat appearance, though I don't know who that exactly is. o_o [/quote] Yo! Thank you for taking your time to read all that and still point out your opinion, I appreciate it, really! And fooooyeah thank you for the compliments <3 Anyway! @HylianRose and Narayak, I've done the changes accordingly, limiting each ability on the power section itself. He shouldn't be too overdone, now! If theres anything else or if I forgot something, tell me u.u By the way, I use safebooru to search my characters. I knew that the guy's name was Yato because it showed under the tags when I found him, but I had no idea of what he or what the manga he was part of was before actually picking him. Aaaaaaaaaaand, Hylian! About that ability, the chains. Well, I will probably PM someone whenever I decide that I should use it in order to discuss, it's not like I will have Bael walk around going; "FREEZE! CHAINS!" for no reason, and I kind of doubt that a fight intense enough for him to rely on his spells will happen so soon.