[hider=Ezra][IMG=http://thegamingpixelshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/FE_Frederick_thumb.jpg][/hider] His armor is red/black instead of blue/silver. [B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] Ezra Grant [B][U]Age[/U]:[/B] 20 [B][U]Gender[/U]:[/B] Male [B][U]Species/Race[/U]:[/B] Human Demonologist/Warlock [B][U]Powers[/U]:[/B] • Summon Illyen, the Chaotic: Ezra releases demonic energy from a pendant around his neck, siphoning the Chaotic into existence through a spell of dark power. Illyen, the Chaotic (shown below in hider) is personified recklessness and anarchy galore, creating destruction wherever he moves. The Chaotic has his own pyromantic abilities, able to summon large meteors and waves of flame with just a snap. Currently, Ezra can only contain his presence for twelve second at his full power, but he has a way of keeping Illyen out as a miniature version of the Chaotic, void of the impending destruction and volley of flame. A little chibi of Illyen, if you will. [hider=Illyen, the Chaotic][img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/171/6/8/request__malfegor_sketch_by_sonellion-d69tztz.png][/hider] [B][U]Weaknesses[/U]:[/B] • Fire: He has a indefinite fear of fire, ironic, since he summons a giant fire inducing demon and all. He's tried to get over this fear using Illyen's lesser fire abilities, but it didn't go quite as well as anyone would have though, as we all know fire burns things. However, Ezra feels it's a weakness he can get over. Eventually. • Mirrors: A common fear among most demonologists, he begins to hallucinate if he stares into a mirror too long, thinking he transforms into a demon in front of his own eyes. This fear causes him to avoid any reflective surfaces, especially when around people, as he does not want pity, or them to overreact to his ailment. [B][U]Personality[/U]:[/B] TBR [B][U]Background[/U]:[/B] Ezra Grant was born in a manor on the eastern side of Germany into a family of powerful demonologists from Great Britain. They were disguised as a circus troupe, traveling the world to entertain the masses, or their real reason, spread demonic seals across the world. Ezra gained his demon when he was just starting out in the circus as a sword swallower, which to this day he greatly denies, for personal reasons. Illyen came to him in a dream before being absorbed into the pendant, baffling his family members, seeing how a young boy with no talents revealed so far could contain a high powered destruction monger like the Chaotic. He didn't stay long within the family business since they dropped him off at Athalia Academy, where he's resided for 6 years. If you ask him, he will not admit to despising his parents, though sometimes you can catch him cursing them for leaving him in the Academy. [B][U]Study[/U]:[/B] [History] [Psychology] Three!! [If this is really necessary..] My second character! Judge away!!!