[quote=Driving Park] Dude, Lily is great and you're doing great as GM. There's not really any critique necessary. :D [/quote] D' Aww. Thank you. That means a lot. This is really my first successful RP I've GMed. I'm quite surprised. But then, I think I just got lucky because you guys are a pretty fantastic group. ^-^ [quote=Nero] Há, thanks. I will probably post right away!Good night, animelover. c: [/quote] Post like the wind Bulls-eye! [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4mm6sHvJu1qctc8fo1_400.gif] [quote=Animelover_princess] i really got to head to bedtry not to post too much while i'm gone ;)night you guys [/quote] Uh... No promises. xD