@Nero: Okay, now your character's just fantastic. Some ninjas cut up too many onions near my eyes... (Ok, not to that degree, but it's much, MUCH better. good job on the fix! :D) [quote=HylianRose] Btw, guys. I just want to make it known that you are welcome to do what I do to your CS to mine. I don't think it's fair that I can nitpick at your CSs if you aren't allowed the same right. So don't feel like you can't, alright? I'm not going to hold any hard feelings and I appreciate constructive feedback. I would also like to thank you all for dealing with my nitpicking. I hope I don't seem like I'm being mean or overly... controlling, I just want the RP to go smoothly and I want to help you guys out. So, thanks for that. It means a lot. <3 [/quote] ^ This. Constructive feedback is what tends to shape my characters correctly, so everyone shouldn't be afraid to give feedback! Also, you're not being rude at all. I've seen incredibly serious GMs, so it's good for a change to have such a lenient GM for once! --- So I finally got an idea for my female character, and it's becoming quite related to a pirate bay.