Aleks insisted on warning Lilith once more and the woman had to resist rolling her eyes. He really didn't get it but she supposed he would soon enough and let it slide. Making sure to grab the briefcase, Lilith followed her new partner over to where the coats were hung. She decided to remain flippant and sighed haughtily, “I do have money of my own, you know.” Pulling the sleeves of her coat, the fox added, “And a hotel room.” Lilith smiled as she pulled the paper from Aleks’ hand, enjoying the feeling of looking down on the man, even if it were only for a moment. [i]He looks good when he kneels…[/i] “Anyway, I’ll be off.” She pocketed Alek’s number without looking at it and walked towards the door. She glanced over her shoulder and winked, “Try not to worry about me too much. Your dirty work will be done before you know it. Have a good day.” She said the last sentence in a sing-song voice, the door shut before he had a chance to say anything back. Stepping out into the fresh morning air, the kumiho took a deep breath and sighed. The streets were moderately busy as people went about their errands, Lilith blending in as soon as she began to move in the crowd. She headed South for a bit before slipping into an alleyway a few blocks over. Pulling a loose brick out of one of the building walls, she reached in and retrieved a small cloth bag. Inside was a large pile of money, a hotel room card, and a key. The fox spirit stuck the bag in her coat pocket and slipped back into the morning crowd to look for a phone. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Roughly four hours had passed and Lilith now had a phone and a new outfit. Her black silk dress and beige trench coat had been left on a bench a few streets back; the vain fox rather disliked wearing clothes more than once. Her lithe frame was now covered in a [url=]red dress[/url], [url=]white coat[/url], nude stockings, and [url=]silver pumps[/url]. It was obvious more of the woman’s time had been spent looking for the perfect outfit than a phone, as Lilith had purchased the cheapest flip phone available. With a sigh, the fickle fox realized she still had a couple hours before she needed to head to the meeting spot. Glancing around, she spotted a little café which drew her lips into a smile. [i]Might as well grab a snack before the main meal.[/i]