Isaac Newgate, recently appointed to knighthood stood in the jedi temple, in the training areas, he had just taught a group of Padawans in the art of blade-fighting, as swordsmanship was his forte. Isaac stood in the temple, wearing his exercise gear, a tank-top and slacks. Using the force to lift weights, as it strengthened both his body, and his mind. He cleared his mind while doing so, focusing on other things, a sort of meditation for the young man. A calm was sought by him, yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He continued his workout for another few minutes, but he was cut short by the alarms ringing, alerting him, and everyone else in the temple of the presence of the CIS in the atmosphere. “How the hell did they get here?” Isaac let out, leaving the weight, it falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Isaac dashed towards the top of the temple, where the Jedi Masters had their office. Isaac rushed in, opening the doors, realizing he wasn't along in coming to the office of the masters. But as he saw how all the other Jedi kneeled before their masters, Isaac felt a dose of shame, as he looked down, and kneeled himself. Their superiors told them all to rise, and explained the situation, that the Seperatists had somehow broken through their front lines. How they would need knights to defend the temple, but also how they would need people to take the offensive, to get to the airstrip and take to the skies and strike back. Kenobi asked for volunteers who would want to go to the airstrip, as that was most likely the place of most danger, as the temple could defend itself. Isaac was amongst the first to stand up again. “I'll go to the airstrip, Master Kenobi.” Isaac said, and soon, a handful of others also stood up, signing themselves up for this mission. They were ordered to head out. “May the force be with you.” He heard being said before leaving, heading to the armory. Comforting every young padawan he could find, and giving them to the jedi who would stay at the temple to protect the children, and the knowledge stowed away in the temple. Once he got into the armory, he removed his clothes, blew his locker door wide open, and pulled the armor towards him, starting with the soft cloth inner-robe, and then with the durasteel plated armor, that had protected him many times before, the force easily putting the armor on him, he only had to strap it in place around his torso. He checked so that all of his equipment was with him. His sabers, communicator and rebreather were all with him. He grabbed a robe as well on his way out, pulling it over him to try and disguise his appearance. The disturbance in the force was ever pressing for the young man, he felt the power of the darkside raining down upon the city from the skies. But he would remain calm and brave, as he always were. [i]“May the force be with me.”[/i]