radical! [hider=yoo][b]Name:[/b] James Noir [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyvxufmzTc1qeo244o1_500.jpg[/img] {Black hair, hazel eyes, pale clear skin, 160 pounds, lanky build, 5'9"} [b]Bio:[/b] wip [b]Power 1:[/b] -Shape shifting [He can only change into beings he's seen before] [b]Power 2:[/b] -Emotional manipulation [Aka a silver tongue, good at webbing lies and talking his way out of situations] [b]Power 3:[/b] -Flight [He can go as high as he wants but only for a few hours, he needs breaks] [b]Power 4:[/b] -Shadow sight [He can see the undead, or ghosts, he can talk to them as well but he tries not to because they don't always say the kindest things] [b]Power 5:[/b] -tba [to be added] [b]Strength:[/b] 4 [b]Speed:[/b] 6 [b]Personality:[/b] He has absolutely no regard for his own life, none, he could get stabbed and he'd just kind of shrug, honestly he doesn't care if he lives or dies. He's hot headed if you get him going but most of the time he's extremely chill, he doesn't like fighting but will if he needs to; although he's much more prone to trying to talk his way out of a fight. He doesn't like hurting people unless he really needs to, he likes talking but not around other people because he hates the feeling of being listened to and judged, so mostly he talks to animals even if they don't understand him or talk back because they never judge the things he has to say. He's not naive, not in the least bit, he's seen more than his fair share of blood but he tries to keep his chin up because he doesn't like other people to worry for him, while he really hates himself but he sees beauty in everything, every person to him is a masterpiece because he loves normal people, he envies them. He want's to be friends with everyone, in all honesty he's kind of an attention whore, but he doesn't mean to be, he's a hopeless flirt and a real comedian once you get him to open up to you, he's a pretty okay guy and easy to get along with. A little wishy washy for a guy, but, he's never fit in with the guys anyway.[/hider]