A handful of seconds passed, perhaps a minute, maybe two at most. The elven woman in the chair with her head in her hands sat a little more straight and breathed a little sigh before clear blue eyes met the world again, curious, playful as they most usually were. They met those of the elven man from earlier, and she'd told by the shape of his ears and how his facial features echoed a definite elven bloodline. She gave him an innocent wave with a little blush and a smile just after, before straightening herself out and adjusting her green cloak around her neck a little, pulling her hair free from its lavender tie and allowing it to cascade down her shoulders to her mid-back, straight, shiny blonde locks. Trying to give your best impression for a second time would need all the physical charm one could put into it, and she had no idea what the elven man's name was either, though his deep blue eyes definitely left her reeling. "I...suppose I would like to join this guild, please. Sir, and..." her eyes fell on the stunned-seeming dwarven woman who seemed to be murmuring something under her breath at the hot-blooded youth that was now stalking down a hallway, and she bowed her head to her and even got on a knee, as elven custom was to someone you respect. "You give out quests, my lady? You...must be the guildmistress. It's an honour to meet you. My name is Freija Kiraiian, of the Kiraiian bloodline, and I'd be honoured if I was to be able to join your guild. For the thrill of adventure, and for the experience it will provide me to mature as an explorer, a healer or tactician, and most of all, a person, to grow into a stronger woman with more under her belt and able to provide more to the world overall." "Well then. Welcome to Aerenthis, miss Kiraiian. I think it would be a pleasure having and being able to train a healer of your abilities." The dwarf smiled and even gave the girl, who rose to her feet from her position with two fingers to her lips in respect still. "It's strange where our resident nurse has gone to, today, however. I most certainly will have to find out why she's been slacking. Adrian over here is my right-hand man, and it actually is his job to give out quests. You report to him once you choose to take one so he can tell the others who'd like to take it, or know where you are if help needs to be sent." she gestured to the elf, who smiled through brown curtains falling down and hiding his own eyes, which made Freija run another hand through her bangs self-consciously. "Thank you, ma'am. Miss...uh. Guildmistress..um." "Ivanna, child." "It is an honour, Guildmistress Ivanna," Her exchange with the two remained short, and all the while she had a nagging feeling. They got past formalities and agreed to register her after breakfast, which already had been served by now. Most of the guild remained oblivious to the victim who showed up at the door, going about their own business as such. Freija requested, nervously, to go and attend to Spirit who had been waiting at the station post outside. She was restless without him whenever she knew he was around, and not in a particularly appropriate place. Granted permission, she thanked the two, and proceeded to the main gate in order to move the horse to a stable box he'd been assigned to, which would mean walking him around back to the courtyard and the fields beyond. On the way, she happened to find herself walking behind the two from earlier, the young man and the mysterious woman, and she loomed close behind, trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible, though her curiosity got the better of her as always and she found her sensitive ears twitching, dying for some gossip, and leaving her eavesdropping as subtly as she could, with her head lowered, in all respect, should they turn back and notice her. [i]Who are these people, I wonder. And I wonder if the man can help me out, being new at this guild. Though that means I'll have to be nice to him. And quite frankly, he's quite uncouth, himself. But the woman is new. She seems strange. She gives off an aura, must be magical to a degree because it's not as strong as a usual elf but I can detect traces of the elven signature there. She must be a half-breed, elf and some other race. I think she's a human. He most certainly has no magical aura about him. Not even the kind humans can cultivate. So I'm assuming he's useless without his playthings. Interesting. Very, very interesting.[/i]