Zivon seemed to have a hard time talking but he kept trying harder "M-my name is Zi-von…uuuhh ho-w about you?" She lifts one of her legs over the bench and moves closer to Zivon to examine him some more. "Drow" she said while moving her face closer to him to see if he had any extra limbs or some special skin. Zivon talked to Oona but she didn't listen to what they had to say as she came closer she could see that the electricity emitting from her body start to hurt him. Moving back a bit she could see that a rusted spoon was put on the table by him as he said "So are you new here too?" she shook her head in reply, she leaned forward to grab the spoon he just layed on the table. It was rusted all over. Would they just give students these rusted spoons? It can't be right that would be horribel to let students just eat with old rusted spoons. She turns the spoon around right before her eyes and studies it well. After some minutes she got bored by it and walked to the trashcan to trew the spoon away. She sat down again at the place she was before and gets back in the position she was just in. She faced Zivon and sayed "Power".