*I just hope they are nice* Her eyes came to a Close as she couldn't stand the Image any longer: A mass of People, People and more People were moving around. Everyone had a Destination he or she wanted to go to. *Waiting.. I've only to wait* She was sure that everyone would be gone soon, that noone would pay Attention to a single Person, hiding on her seat. The instance they were gone, she would move, head straight for her room. That was her plan. That was what she thought she would do.. but then, a soft Sound caught her Attention: Her stomach made itself audible. Gritting her teeth, she tried to surpress the Feeling of hunger, to ignore it. *I've been through worse.. and they are still so many others here* Her eyes were closed, albeit she knew the exact number of People around her. She wasn't fully conscious about her abilities but she was already able to sense the Body temperature of her fellow students and soon to be teachers. *..still too many..* Her tummy made another complaining Sound. *They.. would notice me* The annoying Sound died but left a hollow Feeling within her Abdomen. *Hungry...when have I eaten last?* A hollow Feeling was nothing too comfortable to have. *..yesterday.. I guess, one or two days without Food aren't too bad* The hunger grew, being a nearly painful Sensation already. *Yeah, I'll just ignor-* A sudden scent hit her. Her nostrils moved a tad as she took in the full scent of pancakes. This was taken in through her nose but headed straight for her thoughts, creating a foglike condition there. She couldn't breathe anymore. She couldn't not breathe as well, though. A soft smile curved her lips and her eyes popped open. *I am no Coward! And I want pancakes!* Before her fears could take over again, she pushed herself upwards and took a step into the ground. Instantly, she felt a bit busy. Pulling herself together, she headed straight for the scent's source: The Cafeteria. Unconsciously, her tongue licked over her lips. On the threshold, she stopped in a sudden Motion. Her eyes grew huge as she acknowledged the mass of People here. She had been prepared to Encounter all students at once at the welcome ceremony.. but this? *It's not even half of the People around her. Calm down* Trying to 'be cool', she stepped into the room, her gaze darted around anxiously.