[hider=Taskmaster]Name: Tony Masters Alias: Taskmaster Role: Titan Brief Bio: Tony Masters was born on a snowy December day in 1997. His school life was generally the same as any other kids. He excelled at maths and physics though and he had the strange ability to copy just about anything he saw. This helped him a lot during sports days when he could just copy the other kids best efforts and recreate them. It also helped him cheat in a lot of tests by allowing him to copy other students pencil movements and just put them to work on his paper. His teenage life wasn't much different. He wasn't exactly popular but wasn't exactly the least popular either, he was kind of in the middle. He spent most of his time either training in his schools rugby team or watching old Bruce Lee or Seagal films. It was only until a new, problem student appeared at the school that he learned he could copy anything he saw. The student took an immediate disliking to Tony. Tony was cocky and had charisma, while this student was the type to write 'die' on the back of his jotter over and over again. He challenged Tony to a fight to which Tony declined. The student kept aggrovating him until he accepted. When the fought start Tony had seemed to recall a film he had watched the night previous. 'A Game of Death' it was called. The fight was over within seconds as Tony leaped into the air and sent a flying kick to the students head which knocked him back into a wall where Tony sent a flurry of kung fu attacks to his chest and stomach. This granted Tony freedom of the student along with a week long suspension. The most traumatic part of Tony's life happened a year after the incident. He and his family were on a holiday in Norway during winter when they were driving late at night back to their hotel. The road was extremely slippery and an 18 wheeler skidded to the side and knocked the car off the road and sent it tumbling down a hill. Tony was lucky that he woke up relativley unharmed. His parents weren't that lucky. He dragged himself through snow to the nearest emergency phone to call the nearest hospital. They were too late though, Tony's parents had died long before he had even woken up anyway. He was put in an orphanage that he hated and things would never be the same again. He escaped the orphanage a few months after being put in it and began to hitchhike. He gathered various metals on his journey and eventually got a job at a mechanics. It was here taskmaster was born. He studedied night after night and made his own equipment before going out crime fighting. Abilities: Taskmaster has no powers other than his photographic reflexes. These enable him to watch another persons physical attacks and movements and them duplicate them without practice. The ability is only limited by his lack of other powers that he may have needed to copy the techniques. He can however do some techniques at super speed for a very limited amount of time if he saw the technique sped up, eg if he watched a kung fu movie while fastforwarding. He also has photographic memory and can impersonate any voice. He relies a lot on his weapons which include but are not limited to, a sword, shield, bow and arrow, lasso and firearms. Personality: Tony is rather cocky and doesn't really like others barging in on anything he's doing. He does however like to use teamwork within a battle as he knows his limitations and is forced to study others to stand a chance of even surviving a fight. In his spare time he likes watching movies and playing video games. Partly for the fun of it and partly for later use. He is also fond of music, but mostly only old music from the 50s to the late 90s. He dislikes being interrupted when he's doing something especially if it's eating. He isn't that easily provoked and remains cool headed throughout most fights but he can snap at some points and start fighting more brutally if enraged. Appearance: [IMG=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs36/i/2008/263/9/6/Taskmaster_by_frostious.jpg] Under the mask Taskmaster has brown hair that naturally falls in front of his face. He has it cut rather short though so it doesn't reach his eyes. He has brown eyes and a strong jaw. He has naturally palish skin that he obtained from constantly wearing his uniform while outside. Affliation: None Other:[/hider]