"Aren't you resourceful," Cameron said, a small smile on his lips. Her reasoning was good enough for him, he knew his parents wouldn't mind when he explained. Their best friend had just been murdered, they were a little lenient about certain things. Most people thought that Cameron's parents pushed him to play soccer, but they didn't. In fact, they repeatedly asked him to take a break, worried that he would burn himself out but he refused. He was driven and determined to get a soccer scholarship and play in the World Cup or even the Olympics. -------------------- Dylan sighed as she trudged into the lunch room, her half eaten sandwich in her hand. The scowl on her face projected more than irritation, it also portrayed a hint of anger. She'd gone to the art room over lunch to finish a painting and she couldn't finish it because her art teacher had decided to talk to her about the death of Sierra Williams. Really?! Dylan hadn't even known the girl, except for the few times she came to the house to hang out with Cameron and Andrea and everyone was looking at her like she was a lost puppy. It was so irritating. She couldn't paint with people whispering about how tormented she must be behind her back. Dylan did care that Sierra was dead, yes, what she was irritated about was all of the attention she was getting. She just wanted to paint and be ignored, but it was impossible with everyone thinking she was a walking depressed zombie. She growled to herself before she took another bite from her sandwich angrily. Out of the corner of her eye she saw two other students, who had been on Sierra's list. She wondered for a moment if she should talk to them, but she eventually decided against it. Her eyes scanned for an empty table to sit at and unfortunately there weren't any. She grimaced and looked back at the other two, one was standing and with a sigh she walked over and sat down gingerly. "All of the other tables are full, ignore me," She said, taking another bite from her sandwich.