Name: Sonny Wakefield Age: 38 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Friendly, laid back and curious to the point of annoyance. Sonny knows exactly what he is, and isn't one to second guess himself. Bio: Sonny's abilities have always been an integral part of his life, though he's learned to blend in and keep his talents hidden over time. He was born as an only child to a single mother. The boys father had left before child birth, and his mother never talked of him. His relationship with his mother was close and warm, and he didn't have to deal with much conflict in his life until his teenage years. Sonny learned to hide his powers, but not fear them. In fact, the ability to link minds and hide away from bullies was great! What bothered him was his seemingly slowed aging. Where as his friends grew up at a normal pace, he seemed to lag behind, and not only a little. By the age of 20, he looked like a mere 10 year old, unable to be taken seriously. Living in a single place for too long wasn't an option, and even after his mother died, Sonny didn't stop his wandering behavior. Not that Sonny minds. ”To travel is to live,” and so on. Helps that it reminds how small he actually is, in the grand scheme of things, no matter what powers he has. Power 1: Mind Link (Linking to other people has been an important part of Sonny's life. Barely noticeable unless he makes himself heard, these links are easy to create and break so long Sonny is willing. Multiple links make psychic communication possible for all the participants.) Power 2: Telepathic Power Mimicry (Through a telepathic link, Sonny is able to copy any power from his fellow arisen. These power will stay with him until the mind link is broken.) Power 3: Psionic Immunity (Unless Sonny allows it, it's impossible to get inside his head. Psychic abilities are worthless against him. He is able to protect others from psychic attacks as well, so long he's linked to them.) Power 4: Invisibility Power 5: Sound manipulation Strength: 4 Speed: 6 --- I did a thing! Though I imagine I might make Sonny into a Sunny. We've got so many guys already. Might I need to count the slowed aging as one of the powers, or..? 'Cause I could. But it doesn't really change my character's OPness in anyway. Oh and about that! Is my guy too OP, or not OP enough? 'Cause I really don't know.