Jackson was on edge, he didn't like this situation a mission crew member and Another tracking him down, though he wasn't going to go without her he really wanted to get underway He kept refreshing hs pip boy and glancing in the direction of ally Rina had disappeared to, he knew that she could handle herself, Christs she was a former ranger, most don't live long enough to get called that, but she..she was something different And she was a whiskey drinker, Jackson always respected those like himself and Rina but didn't trust them as he knew what they were like..hell he knew as he was like them. 20 minutes had passed Checking the time again. "Right everyone listen up this is your last chance to get supplies here. Once we are on the road we won't be able to restock until we hit Utah, unless we pass through a small town or find traveling merchants. I get that i have given you bugger all reason to trust me, and honestly i respect that, If you do however have any issues with me any member of this team. you will address them to me" Jacksons tone was cold and harsh He looked around at all the faces gathered and each of them was staring at him. " I do not. i repeat do not want any past conflicts or Issues to arises and fuck up this mission. we all want those Caps" glancing at Dirge "erm jinglies, are to good for this to get fucked up by past history got it?" Jackson looked directly at Andrej, His past with the man wasn't exactly the nicest and he knew full well that something could be said between them that could mess this mission up. Jackson went around everyone making sure they were set and ready to go and he made sure with Dirge he was ready, "Oh and another thing guys n gals though i am your leader i use this term loosely, Think for yourselves and be smart. the only time i will give orders if we are planning to attack something like a camp or if there are any feuds" giving everyone the once over against making sure everything was clear he went over to Dirge and explained things more simply and in a much kinder tone, he knew that everyone was different mutants included and sometimes thing had to be said like as if to a child..albeit a 12ft greenish mutant that could crush jackson with a squeeze of his fist, As for the tone he didn't want to anger or scare Dirge he wanted to be as reassuring as possible, Once he finished explaining and making sure Dirge at least had a modest grasp of what was going on he patted his shoulder as a father would a son and told him it was going to be worth the jinglies 32 Minutes since Rina left, walking over to his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder checking his 44. for the last time and placing it into its holster he placed his Advance recon helmet on it took a moment for his eyes to readjust and he fumbled with the filter, finally he picked up his Knife placing it in a hidden groove in his boot, Slinging his hunting rifle over his back and he carries his marksman rifle in hand "right everyone we leave in 30 seconds gear up, if you want to back out now this is your last chance" looking at everyones determined but nervous faces he came to the conclusion no one was backing down, he admired this he knew everyone for whatever reason had the choice of coming, But as far as he was concerned he was here for the money and Six "Right we move! i'll explain what's happening once we get out of hub, i really don't trust it here and i rather only us and Mr V knows about the details" As the team started to move towards the towns edge Rina came sprinting back followed by her trusted dog "Wait!" she yelled jackson spinning around saw that she was being followed by a ghoul "Rina lookout you got a tail!" lowering the marksman rifle and pulling his 44. out jackson aimed at the ghoul though he did not fire He ran past Rina and forcing the ghoul to stop by holding his gun to its temple.