[b]Rose stared back at her grandmother's guest in quiet shock, needing a couple moments to take in his appearance. Everything about the tall & muscled man at the table yelled predator. & like a deer frozen in its tracks, Rose wasn't certain if she could stay near him. He didn't look unfriendly, really, he actually looked delighted to see her & oddly familiar, but after taking in his size & seeing how large his hands were, Rose would be lying if she hadn't imagined him becoming angry & using those big hands to end a life. [i]'No,'[/i] Rose told herself bitterly, [i]'You mustn't think so ill of a complete stranger. Why, he's probably very kind. & he is rather attractive as well, when you ignore the fact that you'll forever have to look up at him to see his eyes. Just... don't get to close to him, so you don't look too childish while talking to him.'[/i] After she talked herself out of fearing her grandmother's guest, Rose made slow steps to get closer to the man, giving him a polite curtsy & bowing her head for a moment, giving him a proper greeting. Up close, Rose discovered that the man smelled of mint bushes & wet soil, an oddly exotic scent that Rose very much enjoyed already. He smelled like the forest. "Good evening, Sir," Rose told the man softly, "I am Rose. Thank you for coming this evening." From the kitchen Rose's grandmother called for Rose to help her grab supper. Suddenly a bit wobbly on her feet, Rose briskly walked to the kitchen as Willow hurriedly put things together. The woman oddly looked displeased, like she'd rather the guest in their dining room not be there at all. It was a pity, for Rose herself found herself drawn to him. "Grandmother, who is that?" Rose asked quietly as the roast was stuffed into her hands. The old woman shook her head, shooing Rose back towards the dining room. "We'll have introductions during supper," she insisted to her grandchild, leading her to the dining room. With a bit of difficulty, Rose followed her & slid the roast at the center of the small dining room table, pouring cool water in the empty glasses provided. Rose could still feel the gaze of the guest on her, as if he was observing a foreign creature. What was so special about her that he kept watching her so intently?[/b]