Bael's eyes didn't move away from the girl, at all. His expression was still the same: serious and somewhat uneasy. He'd only look away from her to glance at something which approached him... before bounding up onto his head. Though, despite this, his gaze focused upon the girl again. He noticed that she had smiled at him and mouthed 'hello', which made him soften his expression a bit, giving a shrug as he focused on the [i]thing[/i] which was now latched on him. "Someone should've taught you manners," The boy stated, clearing his throat as he idly adjusted his shirt. "But it doesn't surprise me, behaving has never been something you were capable of." Smiling softly, he moved his arms up in an attempt to pick up the little imp demon-like creature, while answering the question. "I'm Bael and I highly doubt that you've already forgotten who I am." Smirking, Bael stood himself up and started to walk in direction of the girl who he stared moments ago. "We did raise from the same place, didn't we?" He murmured to the miniature demon before literally trying to toss it towards [b]Ezra[/b], his rightful owner and.. whenever that succeed or not, he'd walk in front of the red-haired girl, ignoring the company she had at the time as shameless as that was. "My apologies for staring at you for so long, I was simply mesmerized by your beauty, mademoiselle." He spoke softly, a hand reaching in her direction, for a handshake; but if she took his hand, he'd softly hold it and bring it up to plant a polite kiss on the top of her hand. "Now that I've recovered from it, I felt an urge to speak to you. I'm Bael, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"