[b]Matt - Cafeteria.[/b] Matt silently nodded when she stated that her story wasn't a good one. Neither was his, actually, but if she didn't want to talk about it right now, that was up to her. He wasn't going to get in the way. What he wasn't expecting was for someone to just walk past him and start talking to Lily, saying a bunch of stuff usually related to love. "I'll just... Go... See you later Lily." Matt said, hoping to not get in the way. Also, he was starving. He walked into the school and towards the cafeteria. It wasn't that difficult, there was a map in the main lobby. Matt stifled a laugh. Maps. Matt's map was his most used item at Kamasyia. That and his schedule. He walked calmly into the loud cafeteria and looked around. There seemed to be a lot of groups. Probably built up by recurring students, and new students making friends. He walked down the line of food and got himself a variety of breakfasts, and started walking to an empty table along the side. On the way, he tripped, and his fruit related food went flying into the air, to land on an unsuspecting, water related girl. ((Matt vs. Oona, let the rivalry begin! :D)) [b]Dani - Cafeteria[/b] Dani covered his mouth so nobody would hear him gasp when Allan walked through the door. Had he found him already? "Er... Pretend we're talking. Please? I'll explain later." Dani told the others. He didn't want to be impolite, but he was in deep, deep water at the moment, and classes hadn't even started yet. Suddenly, a boy with brown hair tripped nearby. His food went up in the air, and landed on one of the girls nearby. [i]Well if that won't call attention to this table, I don't know what will...[/i] Dani thought sadly. [i]Wait, why am I feeling sorry for myself? I'm not the one who lost his food, or got food on her head. Get your priorities strait![/i]